In this instance, I might allow it, as this is clearly war, so maybe they are Attorney Generals. https://media4.giphy.com/me...

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"Thou subtle, perjur'd, false, disloyal man!" (Two Gentlemen of Verona)"Thy sin's not accidental, but a trade." (Measure for Measure)

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I understand that albatross neck accessories come in S, M, L and XL.

But apparently the GOP needed a custom size 15XL and they sure look terrible wearing it!

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So THAT's the Mystery Object in Utah!!!

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I see Donnie McLoserface's destruction of the GOP continues apace. Carry on!

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Has Wonkette done a report/mocking of the WriteInTrumpForGA hashtag thing? It was started by Roger Stone's SuperPac apparently. It's supposed to teach GA Republicans a lesson about... not rat fucking the election enough? Or something?


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I caught that too.

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The best story I have on a computer being down is after an earthquake, a customer called the support folks at the mainframe company where I was working at and asked how to get their computer back up. As the support person started to explain the booting process, the customer interrupted them and said that the computer was still running fine. The shaking had caused the cabinet to tip over and they wanted to get the cabinet back upright.

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He inherited $400 million dollars, and LOST $3 billion within 10 years. Not a stellar record. The only real money he's ever made was from The Apprentice, which someone else created, and let him play the part of a billionaire.

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I can't WAIT for him to be gone.

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We are going to have to come up with another totem for these people. Actual rats are very intelligent animals - that's why they proverbially leave sinking ships - because they are in fact smart enough. Loeffler and Perdue seem hardly to rise above the level of protoplasm in the intelligence department.

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LOL! That reminds me of the well-known (and possibly apocryphal) story that circulated back in the 90's of the customer who called technical support and complained that his computer wouldn't turn on. The rep told him to look on the floor and make sure the power cord was plugged in to the power strip or wall socket, and the customer said he couldn't because it was too dark down there to see anything, what with power being out in the building and all.

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considering there is no place to write anyone in on the ballot (it is a run-off ballot so only the top two candidates are listed, period) this should be entertaining to see what happens when the trumpenpolitariat encounter their ballots in the voting booth...

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Warnock and Ossoff all the way! Ta, Liz.

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Critical-need detector circuit. The _one_ part that never fails.

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I got $83 the first time. Not holding my breath this one.

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