probably because schools in Florida are about to lose accreditation. reciting from memory so may miss something, a few decades ago, North Carolina government decided to outlaw abortion training from the many medical schools in the state. Since the same training is used to help women have miscarriages not die, the medical boards informed the state that all their medical schools would lose accreditation. the state backed down and allowed abortion training. https://www.nytimes.com/202... Teaching the procedures used for abortions has long been a required element of the OB-GYN residency curriculum in the United States.about 45 percent of the country’s 286 OB-GYN residency programs were located in states likely or certain to ban abortion, affecting about 2,600 of the country’s 6,000 residents.

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No, they are not.

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Whatever man. I’m done with this. You’re just mad because I’m not showing any empathy for people who 1. Do not deserve it and 2. Never show it to others. If you don’t like it, tough. Too bad.

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He's got Atlanta....

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We can conclude from this event that, like all of the books they demand be banned, they have never read that dreadfully bloated, autoerotic pile of mule drek.

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It's amazing how stupid men love to try to pick fights considering how many physical vulnerabilities they have right out front of their bodies

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How is it ok to pervert children's sexual development? Grooming is the only way to describe it. It's sad how the Left - that I left - is so blind to themselves. Lose your chains!

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I've always voted in every local election. In South Dakota and Wyoming it doesn't matter.

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When the school administrators in Cobb County have their spines surgically removed, does the education system's health insurance pay 100% of the cost, or is there a deductible?

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Acceptance is divisive.Inclusiveness is elitist.War is peace.Freedom is slavery.

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Not *entirely* untrue, of course, but the economicc interests were also about slave-owner-centered economies and people being told their lot in life was at least better than the black people/slaves', so they should fight each other to defend *that.*

Slavery wouldn't have been front and center in the Confederate 'Constitution' and churches if it weren't the sticking point about *all* those issues, come down to it. They wanted the US to become all-feudal basically to privilege their economy and turn the Northern cities mostly into sweatshops. (that would demand free states catch their 'runaway property' for them in the usual double standards of 'states' rights' we hear from 'conservatives.'

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He'll be attractive to those who want the party to shake off that Trump stench but who want exactly the same legislative and culture-war results.

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Right. The teacher is outed like she's a Klan leader but the harpie who caused it all gets to hang out in the background feeling smug. I can't believe that Cobb County is saying she has a bad record as a teacher. Why would you elevate a teacher to teach gifted students if she was a problem hire? Seems like she is as outstanding as her students.

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About that time I read a short history of the Civil War by Bruce Catton, who was at the time the most prominent Civil War historian. He began the book by pointing out that polities have economic disputes all the time and manage to settle them without going to war. It was slavery that made war necessary. His conclusion was that it was silly to dispute the popular wisdom that the Civil War was about slavery.

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For years, Michael Savage has been insisting liberalism is a mental disorder; so let’s not be him, eh? He’s an asshole’s asshole.

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I'm guessing this will go down in history as the Rinderle Shadow Book Trial.

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