Greg Palast is a fucking hero, doing God's work.

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Funny how you guys forgot the part that Georgia Democrats passed the voter purge bill and had it signed into law by the democrat Governor in 1997. The law has been used to purge voter rolls every year since. The only precincts in Georgia that were allowed to stay open after the 7pm deadline to continue voting were in heavily african-american precincts in inner city Atlanta. Record numbers of minority voters.Ironically, the voter purge law was aimed at the Republican vote, the democrats had held all major offices, legislature senators, house of reps. from 1865-1980. Republicans didn't always vote consistently because dem. victory was a forgone conclusion. Then in 1980, the growth of Atlanta started to change change things. by 1997, dems still had total control and were looking for ways to slow down republican voting. Had nothing to do with minority voting. Minorities have been in the democrats pocket for decades in Georgia.

What goes around, comes around.

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You mean like Menendez? Of course still endorsed by the liberal paper in New Jersey.

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Absolutely, Democrats have been doing it since 1836.

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To cut to the chase, where does Georgia stand with the current lawsuits?

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I suppose in a country where every single animal is trying to kill you..... the govt coming after you for mandatory voting isn't so bad.

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Yes, well, perverted sex with under aged prostitutes on Trump's part, even if proved, is not a thing his supporters would believe, and if they did believe it, they would probably admire it. "Oh, that Donald … he's such a raffish creature!" So long as the prostitutes were girls. If they were Russian and working for Putin in Moscow, they would probably be doing whatever they were told because that crimson thief and murderer knows where to find their families.

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Kemp. And his Kansas equivalent Kris Kobach. What is it about that initial K that seems to bring out the worst in people? I'd change my name except that as long as there's one good guy with the initial K still standing ...

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I'd guess they have only started yet. From what I've been able to ascertain, reading all I can and weighing this against that, Russian hacking didn't decide the 2016 election, though Putin's minions were sure doing all they could by way of electronic assault. Good old traditional voter suppression by the GOP had more to do with placing Donald Trump in the Oval Office. Now that he's there, Trump and the Republican Party and the NRA are all merrily abetting Putin's minions as they (Russians) continue screwing with the U.S. electoral process … and refine and improve their cyber warfare techniques. If Trump wakes up tomorrow morning with hostile people hacking into America's military computer systems, air traffic control, and nuclear power plants, at least we know he'll take decisive, effective action. He'll blame Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Central American refugees.And his wilfully ignorant supporters will buy it all.

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Why the fuck are they still broadcasting his rallies?

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As if Kemp would care about THAT old man says!

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I don't think he does know. And if told, he would refuse to listen.

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On e of my heroes too.

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Well, that's not entirely true. In some states, in addition to being a land-owning, white male, the voter also had to belong to an established church. So . . . freedom!

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