They are "economically anxious" that their daughters will marry black men.

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People In GA truly need to vote absentee. Those voting machines are a travesty, and should be avoided if possible.

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It would be rude not to.

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But not in Florida. It's an election issue.

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Actually depending on where you live, racism is driven by a number of factors. The Southern Poverty Law Center has published a new study where they drill down on root causes and it differs on where you are in the country.The one factor that is common - how diverse it is where you live specifically. It's not racism as much as xenophobia - feel of the different.And religion is another factor. So if you are white, religious and live in a racially homogeneous area, you are more like to be a Trumpanzee.

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I mis-wrote and couldn't get back to the comment to correct it. NOT until they finish parole, here also. I think it's a federal law. But yes, as soon as they are done with parole, they can re-register to vote easily by just filling out the normal application.

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Way back in 1990, Public Enemy had a whole album about Fear of a Black Planet :https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Not here. And not until they are through with probation.

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Actually, old black people do too. They have sample ballots and help old people vote at my mom's senior center. And at my church.Actually, a lot, lot, lot of people are going to absentee vote this election because of voter suppression concerns and the fucked up voting machines.I am going to be a poll watcher for the Georgia Democrats' voter protection project and I have uploaded the voter faq and instructions to my Google Drive:https://drive.google.com/op...https://drive.google.com/op...

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Sonny is corrupt but Deal has made bank.

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It's actually not at all uncommon for Members to not vote with their party.

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'Voting your conscience' isn't a thing in the GOP, is it?

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Deal, as governor, doesn't seem to be anywhere near the level of corrupt that Sunny Goddamn Perdue pulled off.* Now Perdue's crooked nephew is a U.S. senator and Sunny is U.S. ag secretary. Deal enacted prison sentencing reform, increased funding for drug/mental health courts, and vetoed a "bathroom bill."

* Which surprised me, being that the Republican majority in Congress ran Deal out on a rail because even they couldn't stomach his blatant grifting. Maybe he's just smart enough not to do his pilfering as blatantly as his predecessor.

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Yes, I see -- no lie -- names in the vein of "Da'Quarion Da'Mondre* quite a bit where I live. That's not even a challenge for idiot racists to figure out.

* Last name "Jones."

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