I moved to MD and since my area is heavily Dem the primary is basically the important one. I still vote in the general as well, if only to make a futile attempt to defeat a bad incumbent (e.g. Jack Johnson 2008 or Harold Dawson 2016) by writing in one of their challengers from the primary

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To paraphrase what Susan Brownmiller said about feminism: The Summer of Love lasted 5 months, and the backlash has lasted about 50 years.

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James Polk and his wife's remains are going to be moved for the 9th, and hopefully final, time. They could move Nixon.

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It's the old NASCAR saying writ large "If you ain't cheating you ain't trying".

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Via leaks!

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"people in other countries fight and die for the right to vote,"

People used to here too.

But those lazy idiots are ignorant of the history that got them to this point, and they don't read, and they don't remember.

No small blame to Rethuglicans; they've been defunding public education for decades to get us to precisely this point.


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It will eventually, though. The only way it won't is if they're rich white WASP dudes.

But as I said somewhere else - they're too clueless to have either read about it or remembered it. They don't know who Martin Niemoller is.


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You almost made my head asplode!

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A maybe Messican/maybe Asian kid? Light up the Pepesignal! Racist monkeys attack!

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OT, sorry.Dok, we need a post about what the Democratic party is.Trump and his idiocy does not keep me up at night, this does.What is going to be the state of the party that has to fight his shit?

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Gonna guess same as always-mostly trying, fairly motivated, utterly disorganized and fighting with each other constantly.Like a family reunion really.

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"Oh, sorry. We were using logic that assumes “letting people vote” is a good thing. Georgia’s logic is clearly predicated on keeping too many people from voting, because what if the wrong kind of people decide they want to vote?"

They pulled the same thing in Montana. Republicans literally don't mind wasting the state's money to make sure less people can vote, if having *more* people vote increases the likelihood those voters will be Democrats.


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They shot themselves in the foot. My father, a white Italian immigrant, works in a garage around mostly white working class men. Apparently most voted for Trump because "Ey Trump is gunna get ridda da illegals!" but my father told me they are now all in panic mode because they think he's going to gut their healthcare or mess with their pensions.

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Don't give those morons any ideas.

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Fig Newton also works.

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I'll repeat what I said upthread - with these dumb brutes, not everyone is going to know you're being sarcastic.

Don't give them any ideas.

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