Legen - Dary "haha, yeah, here's the birth cert, but i have my dick 2 feet deep in Osama's ass, and he's not going to make it to Monday" Barack Obama
You can be sure it was him due to the use of his catchphrase "war against terror.' Now he'll go back to bed and dream of leading the cavalry to save the fort from the brownz.
And yet Reagan deserves credit for the Soviet Union collapsing even though it happened after 40 years of U.S. effort and they actually did it to themselves.
Put an iPhone tracker on his ass, and hit him with a laser guided missile from a Reaper drone. Seriously, fuck that kid. I'm going to have kids just to train them to get big and strong and beat that kid's bitch-ass on sight. And I will feel good about it.
1. health care 2. financial regulation 3. stimulus bill (every credible economist says saved the economy) 4. 9/11 responders bill 5. repeal of DADT 6. other things i have forgotten 7. osama bin laden
i know many of us have issues with barry over many many things but i actually think he's going down in history as one of our most effective - if not best (for you, pet troll) - presidents.
From the Washington Examiner: <i>There will also be a lot of debate over who deserves credit and how this helps Obama politically. Clearly, this will bolster Americans&rsquo; perception of Obama&rsquo;s handling of national security. Killing bin Laden is an antidote to the portrayal of him as a modern Jimmy Carter, who famously had to abort a mission to rescue American hostages in Iran when aircraft got caught in a sand storm.</i>
It was actually mission commander Col. Charles Beckwith who aborted the mission after a helo crashed into a transport plane on the secret refueling staging area in Iran. He was right to do so as the number of copters were then at a point that any other trouble, always to be expected in an operation like this, would not be sufficient to be successful.
Royals can only be killed with a beheading, what we need is a laser guillotine.
Dude, I came here first and cursed the fact that a liveblog took 30 mins to go up. You are not alone.
I told my special friend that the whole country should abstain for 24 hours so that the only man in America getting sex was Pres O. (Love tha avatar)
Legen - Dary &quot;haha, yeah, here&#039;s the birth cert, but i have my dick 2 feet deep in Osama&#039;s ass, and he&#039;s not going to make it to Monday&quot; Barack Obama
You can be sure it was him due to the use of his catchphrase &quot;war against terror.&#039; Now he&#039;ll go back to bed and dream of leading the cavalry to save the fort from the brownz.
WOW, holy shit. That is insane.. I forget, at the Mission Accomplished event, we didn&#039;t have Sadaam yet, correct? (boozy memory)
and now 29 others.
we aren&#039;t actually all snark all the time. just mostly and when we can be most obnoxious.
And yet Reagan deserves credit for the Soviet Union collapsing even though it happened after 40 years of U.S. effort and they actually did it to themselves.
ain&#039;t no way poor sad troll is going to have any luck tonight.
and i mean that in all ways possible.
<a href="http://i1115.photobucket.co..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://i1115.photobucket.com/albums/k551/denniver...">http://i1115.photobucket.co...
Republicans: Financial collapse while Bush was president because of Democrats. Bin Laden killed while a Democrat is president, Bush gets credit.
Put an iPhone tracker on his ass, and hit him with a laser guided missile from a Reaper drone. Seriously, fuck that kid. I&#039;m going to have kids just to train them to get big and strong and beat that kid&#039;s bitch-ass on sight. And I will feel good about it.
ok so:
1. health care 2. financial regulation 3. stimulus bill (every credible economist says saved the economy) 4. 9/11 responders bill 5. repeal of DADT 6. other things i have forgotten 7. osama bin laden
i know many of us have issues with barry over many many things but i actually think he&#039;s going down in history as one of our most effective - if not best (for you, pet troll) - presidents.
From the Washington Examiner: <i>There will also be a lot of debate over who deserves credit and how this helps Obama politically. Clearly, this will bolster Americans&rsquo; perception of Obama&rsquo;s handling of national security. Killing bin Laden is an antidote to the portrayal of him as a modern Jimmy Carter, who famously had to abort a mission to rescue American hostages in Iran when aircraft got caught in a sand storm.</i>
It was actually mission commander Col. Charles Beckwith who aborted the mission after a helo crashed into a transport plane on the secret refueling staging area in Iran. He was right to do so as the number of copters were then at a point that any other trouble, always to be expected in an operation like this, would not be sufficient to be successful.
The kid is lucky, how awesome is that to not know WTF happened on 9-11 except through wikipedia and the web?
yeah, i was thinking the same thing.
&quot;clinton missed blah blah blah&quot;