Sure, but the tattoo artist probably couldn't think of anything worse than a Nixon tattoo.

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It's like Trump's parents threw a RUIN AMERICA party...https://media1.giphy.com/me...

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Thanks for that. Sis texted me: "happy smothers day!" My guys took great care of me and I only got a half-dose of passive-aggressive from my MIL, so BIG WIN!

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I agree it was hard to relive election night, but I noticed the filmmaker didn't drag it out either. If he had, I was ready to turn it off.

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We should all talk about Roger Stone, and his documentary, to make trump jealous of his fame.

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It's really starting to bug me how much #45 obsesses over his "ratings".

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New to politics should be in quotes. I agree with you that the phrase, as applied to him, is disingenuous.

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And we get enough oxy-morons around here already without inviting more.

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Roger claims he is being poisoned by nefarious government forces trying to "stop" him. (From doing whatever it is he does)

But all he has is a toxic shock skin condition brought about by keeping bad company.

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Ha...hoofwanking bunglecunt... I love you 😘

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The problem with that analysis is that Stone worked with Segretti at CREEP.

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Palmer Report is the Infowars of the left.


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Oh, they did. I already wrote entirely too long a review, though. Filmmakers ask Stone if it isn't awfully convenient he just happened to meeta hooker in a sex club who just happened to have been with Spitzer, a politician he can't stand, to which Stone says, "There are skeptics everywhere."

Also, Toobin says Stone "understands the dark heart of the media even better than we understand ourselves sometimes. Because if he tells us Eliot Spitzer was wearing black socks when he had sex, he knew that would be irresistible, even if it had absolutely nothing to do with the truth at all."

(yes, It took three hours to watch a 90-minute movie because I kept stopping to take notes on my laptop)

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Roger Stone is like a minor character out of James Ellroy's Underworld USA trilogy -- a kinky fixer in a loud bespoke suit, always on the fringes when a dirty deal is going down between the government, the mob, the intelligence community, or foreign agents.

I could see him scoring dope for Howard Hughes, pimping out Vegas showgirls, being Nixon's bag man, hanging out at Jack Ruby's Carousel Club, and having J. Edgar Hoover's black chiffon dress pressed.

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