Benghazi bounce would make a nice game but damn alcohol poisoning is some serious shit

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I would think that Butt-Chugging (sure, go on, Google it) would pair nicely with "Gowdy Getting To The Bottom Of It", but to add that extra touch of Benghazi Magic, use vodka-spiked chicken broth.

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Sound advice, Mr. Weiner.

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some repeats of david tennant dr who, maybe fright night again, for sure some buffy and if on the second bottle: game of thrones.

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from your mouth to god's ear.

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"dear Wonkers, to come up with a drinking game."

Wake up at 7. Start drinking whatever is handy. Sleep through most of the day. Wake up again. If hearings are still playing, throw up on television.

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Did they build enough grandstands in the hearing room for all the Republicans to pontificate from?

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Cf. Chicken fucking.

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At first I read that as gassy troll and thought I too would like to stand on a few of these jackholes...maybe even jump up and down a bit as well.

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Will they investigate why Obama failed to save the embassy by nuking Benghazi?

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Don't be silly! Of course not. That would be totally beside the point, which is to scream invective against the president and pre-emptively saddle Hillary with as much baggage as possible - haven't you been keeping up?

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I had thought of suggesting we all take a drink whenever anyone mentions "four dead Americans," but then I remembered that alcohol can actually kill us, and we would have a lot more than four dead by the time it was all over.

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It's about damn time we got back to this! All that ISIS/Ukraine/Ebola/Gaza/OtherShit stuff was becoming a big distraction.

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Impeachment? They probably would have demanded the Marines at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue storm the Oval and clap the President in irons.

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I recommend that all speakers must demonstrate that they can locate Benghazi on a map.

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