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Remember seeing him with Dr. Demento back in the day.

(Fish heads, fish heads, roly-poly fish heads....)

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She was lovely. I like to think of her watching this unfold now and laughing her ass off.

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"SUNUNU: Horribly insulting. I mean, the fact that the president would go out and just insult half of America, because, effectively, half of America votes Republican, half of America ultimately votes Democrat."

Weil Johnny I find it horribly insulting that you people beat a cop to death in the CapitolJan 6, were prancing around with Confederate flags and smeared shit and piss on the walls of Nancy Pelosi's office.

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Bavaria looks like it's straight out of a fairytale

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Unfortunately, too many people will be "collateral damage."

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I saw the Hogan interview; he's one of the few Rethugs I thought was relatively sane, but his "both-sider-ism" was ridiculous.

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Like the loess that fueled early China's ag, the midwest topsoil will blow east and fertilize West Virginia and make it productive land... ok?

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I think Dick Dale was Lebanese-American. He was much more valuable than Sununu.

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Such a good piece, Michael Mora. Thank you.

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tfg sez Imperial Good.

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We pay so little attention to the semis. Are they just small fascists?

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But why, when the Veritas thing (?) makes a fake video of "union thugs" starting a fist fight in a crowd, why do they believe it? Speaking of those non-fascist Trumpists, I mean. And they believe those nuts conspiracies. I think that's evidence that they ARE evil and fascistic only they don't like to see themselves that way.

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For more than 2 years the GOPerverts have been calling themselves fascist, because everytime they talk about some alleged "Antifa" person, that "Antifa" person is allegedly attacking the GOPerverts not the Democrats. They are the one who proclaim themselves fascists.

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