
Elon wants to bend consumers to his will. I call it eminent domain.

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He can get bent himself.

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Watching earlier shows of folks scratching their heads about what happened to Putin's wiener thug. Putin did. Vlad started his careen to the top by killing strangers in the grisliest way: with poison. Dude would probably barf if he had to actually murder someone face-to-face.

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My money says Prigozhin did a vanishing act, killing the pilots, crew and the rest of the passengers to make it look like he was lost too. Which, despite the fact he called out Putin as the shitstain he is, should surprise no one who has ever heard of him.

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Not so sure: the other passengers were supposedly his senior commanders, unless the whole incident was faked and the whole group disappeared

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What a shock. Total surprise that someone who betrayed and embarrassed Putin and was later given “amnesty” for his mini-coup had a very short shelf life. I’m guessing he redid his will and said goodbye to his family over recent weeks. Surely we will never know what really happened to that plane, but it was a certainty that Prigozhin would meet with misfortune and soon.

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We get treated to a third night of Rachel tomorrow night. Discussing PAB's surrender in Georgia.

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Pinky and the Brain meet Silence of the Lambs

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MSNBC Calls it for Pence and Nikki

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Now live blog MSNBC Highlights

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Talk about a palate cleanser!

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Sat through the whole damn thing, and I'm pretty sure Biden won.

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Is Trump demanding a recount again?

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Not if he has to pay for it

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He pays for very little. He'll just take it from his suckers, er, donors or Campaign.

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Christie: "I get the UFO question?" becomes an anti-teachers union rant.

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Tim Scott says stuff but nobody cares.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

DeSantis wants to invade Mexico loudly and in the most manly way

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The Mexican cartels have military-grade arsenals and private armies. They operate beyond the law, do not play war by our rules, and have powerful allies. The Cali and Medellin cartels will give them all the support and money they need. I have my doubts that any other Western nations would support an American invasion of Mexico, so there's that to consider as well. DeSantis is an idiot, but the rubes will eat this up.

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DeSantis is an idiot, alright!

That's it, nothing else... just wanted to agree with on that.

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He really is making the bag of hammers feel pretty good about itself.

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Lol. Mostly because it's true.

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Pretty sure we can look to Haiti for a primer in how it could go all wrong.

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What a dumb fckn idea! Start a War, what an idiot. Did he really go to Harvard? JFC!

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He's pitching the genius of his educational efforts in Florida

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Someone posted this at the old Discus-based Wonkette: "When you ban books in classrooms, but not guns, you're more afraid of children learning than you're afraid of them dying."

Rhonda Santis is a pure asshole!

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There was just nothing there: he puffed out his chest and kind of yelled and talked about being a Gravy Seal or whatever the hell he was (I thought he was a lawyer in the military?) and it all came off as extra medium.

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No Navy Seal. JAG-(off.....icer)


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He said something about Navy Seals in there among all the garble.

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Another M*A*S*H dialogue that still cracks me up. I have no idea why.

Frank: You do carve?

Cho: I show you.

(picks up a 2 x 4)

Cho: Used to be round.

Frank: It looks like a 2 x 4.

Cho: Thank you.

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One of the best episodes was when 3-4 Koreans came in stating their name was "Kim Luck" Hawkeye Pierce attends to them and declares "this must be my Kim Lucky Day".

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I remember that one: "Examined, diagnosed, and treated a total of five Kim Lucks--a new Kim Luck record I hope will stand for a long time."

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Frank Burns would win delegates in GOP primaries.

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It's entirely possible. Indiana *is* a red state.

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DeSantis threatens someone else with death.

Jesus, this guy really is an awkward-ass looking piece of lumber

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I refuse to watch, who's winning? What inning is it?

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They're all fucked...

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That Burgum guy might have got himself a Cabinet spot of some kind, Vivek will end up in a straightjacket before it's all over, Tim who?

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True but that was even before the debate.

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I think Christie is looking pretty good, so he's friggin' doomed with this crowd.

Best answer is probably whoever Trump attacks tomorrow won.

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Fani Willis! Ok, that was a layup.

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I like your thinking. Did Christie bring the fly swatter to protect Mother's lil boy? Christie's just PO'd that Trump wouldn't appoint him to his Cabinet. Chris won't hold back but I think you're right on using Trump as a gauge.

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Christie went all in: praised Pence for defending the Constitution and chided the audience for their "grudging" support for what he did on Jan 6th.

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It still makes me want to throw up when anyone shows that cowardly cuck any fucking respect. I was there the previous 4 years... not breaking any more laws doesn't warrant any praise, only scorn for sitting silent while it all brewed. He knew.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

Good. Sometimes, Chris says it like it is and he did real well working with the Obama WH during Hurricane Sandy, but I won't ever forget Fort Lee!

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You mean the routine scheduled maintenance?

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It was a "special maintenance operation"

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Suuuuuuuure. That's the one!

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That Vivek dude is straight-up demented

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