Not a good week to be called Jerry Brown.

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so true. old school dems are WAYYYY better at taking on the right.

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no one feels comfortable talking about ague victims.

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No mention of Christine O'Donnell's crotch parachute. LIBRAL BIAS

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Goobernor Jerry's awesomeness is beyond dispute.

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It sounds like Jerry has recently had other things to do at night.

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Someone needs to find out why he had the gray stripe at the back of his neck. Were they afraid the dye would rub off on his collar?

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Aside from death if it isn't successful, the only potentially bad side effects from prostate surgery are incontinence and impotence, so not to worry. Jerry will sign bills on the crapper if need be, one can be sure.

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Which it won't, on account of Side Effect 2, as listed above. Prostate-specific antigen tests for all!

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