Seems Dersh was mostly interested in defending himself, though.

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Interviewing Dersh about Maxwell is like interviewing Allison Mack about NXIVM.

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Me thinks Dersh doth protest too much. Or whatever that saying is. His agenda is clearly to attack his accuser and not to offer an ounce of legal insight into the verdict, which despite his farts DOES make the entire gang of horny, rich, old white men in this sex club look even more guilty. Epstein is dead. He was either killed to protect many powerful people, or he killed himself to do that and avoid utter humiliation. Maxwell was his co-conspirator and enabler. There are likely many reasons the prosecution used certain witnesses and not others. Not using a certain victim doesn’t render that victim a liar, no matter how desperately Dersh would like it to. And “my wife and I make spectacular boom boom with our gross bodies,” was simply never evidence that you didn’t abuse a young woman. This nitwit is a Harvard prof and famous lawyer and author? He’s just as sleazy, slimy and honest as Trump, Matt Gaetz and the rest of em.

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The yacht he jumped/fell off of when he accidentally (not) killed himself was named the Lady Ghislaine.

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No inmate vintner will wish to share his latest batch of Pruno with that decrepit old prune.

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Two cameras simultaneously "malfunctioned"? I haven't been following this closely, but that's the first time I've heard that. Originally the claim was that the recordings were given to the District Attorney's office and then were "lost", and that the original recordings were "accidentally" erased. Having spent the last 16 years in the physical security industry I have problems with both scenarios.

You do **NOT** put a high profile prisoner in a cell without cameras, period. Modern cameras, which are what would be installed on a cell designated for high profile prisoners, last for years, the likelihood that both of them would fail at the same time is infinitesimal. Guards falling asleep simultaneously is possible, but the recording would exist.

As far as the recording being "lost", you never make a single copy, even for a shoplifter suspect. And guards would **NEVER** have permissions to delete a recording, even the dumbest greenhorn Kratos installer knows better than to set up a system that way.

TLDR; The recordings were deliberately erased by someone high enough in the pecking order to silence everyone below them.

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The BBC is becoming a repeated disappointment. First bad faith transphobia defended as legitimate journalism, now this. They've lost any respect I used to have for their integrity.

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Definitely stuck in the denial stage of his sins, forever. This fucker is going to bat his hands in that "Shut up and listen to me" mien at Satan while he's being tossed into a lake of fire.

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We might become able to have nice things again if we dumped every trace of social tolerance, courtesy or mercy for willful, chosen, voluntary stupidity. For my part I decided way back in the sixties that we'd reached that point, when von Daniken published his "Chariots of the Gods?" bullshit.As some cogent critic wrote, he'd have had no importance, except that he did a lot more than one man's share to lower our standards of evidence and critical thought. What if the next unscrupulous bullshitter who came along was peddling a social scapegoat, or a war? "It is for this reason that playing fast and loose with the truth is a very serious matter."I've never forgotten that. And we can't claim we haven't seen it happen.

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Not to mention gas lighting the Princess of Wales to give an interview where she shot herself in the foot over and over again.

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Can't make this sh*t up.

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I wonder what used to be the first thing that came up when you googled Dershowitz's name, because now it is just "The BBC eats shit dick"

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Your newsletter - subscribe me. What a great turn of phrase.

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Thank you for this.

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Hey, Harvard Law, maybe you should kinda think about maybe making the Dersh an emeritus X-professor or something and tell him to kindly fuck the fuck off, pound sand, don't let the door hit him where the good Lord split him, etc., etc. already. It's not just that he is apparently (er, sorry Wonkette, allegedly) a monster to young, and likely not so young, women, he is an absolute raving lunatic as a lawyer. Just another example of the very high standards the Ivies promote, I suppose.

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I happened to be reading Jim Tuck's amusing 'McCarthyism and New York's Hearst Press" last night and came across a lesser known aspect of the Alger Hiss trials, where a couple of Ivy profs were called as witnesses and demonstrated, as Tuck put it, that they had been educated far beyond their capacity to understand.

I have a theory. In attempting to muster an elite group, once you get beyond a certain size, the group includes the whole range of capacities. In other words, large elite groups are a myth.

In my experience, the threshold size is about 25.

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