Does Snooki think?

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I can say all that w/ just my finger.

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From <i>The Onion:</i> <a href="http:\/\/www.theonion.com\/articles\/god-distances-self-from-christian-right,30087\/" target="_blank">God Distances Self from Christian Right</a>

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He ignored that memo, "Hurricane Sandy determined to attack U.S."

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He's standing his ground. Which helps keep New Jersey from being washed out to sea.

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Well, the conservatards could blame this storm on the gheys ... but say it ironically. That would be hylarious.

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They wouldn't be able to recognize a joke if it came right up and asked them to vote for him.

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<i>See, you can't really turn this around</i>

Maybe not, but if you take out all that "making sense" and "following logic" stuff, then what have you got, libtard? Huh?!

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If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. -- Abraham Maslow

If all you have is a whirlwind of butthurt, everything looks like a tasteless tornado joke. --Andrew "De Composer" Breitbart

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No tortured analogy is to be spared the hurricane of Ghost Breitbart commentary.

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and it was fun to see the tables turned on those God-Smote-Ya fundamentalists.

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howzabout: "Look what global warming is doing!" I'm serious, but they'll think I'm joking.

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