I really feel sorry for the Marcesano family who filed a complaint. He was a fellow Green Beret who killed himself, look at the asshole standing behind his headstone! The tRump entourage are disgustingly squalid and VOTE them all out!

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Solemn my ass.

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Typical Donnie Despot. Laws and rules are for others, King Baby does what he wants. Everything in the country is HIS, because he believes he is still President, and when you are the President you assume ownership of everything in America. To be fair, and I'll bend over backwards till my spine cracks to be fair to this monster, but the delusion that he owns everything was probably irrevocably in place before he ever darkened the WH door, because very small children have to do some growing up before they can grasp the difference between meum and tuum.

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And still there are veterans who will support this "man."

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If only NPR and the rest of the MSM did not go along with the GOP talking points of how it was totally all Biden's fault way back when.

Also goddamn that photo is horrendous. LOL! We're at the grave! Big Grins and Thumbs up everyone!

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They are so deeply weird.

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Just another example of how Trump and his team are bettor than everyone else and they can do whatever the hell they want to do.

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Looks like the sociopath had another slip-up.

Handler: "Mr. Supremest President of all Time, let's go over this again. Dead American soldiers = SAD, okay? And what do we do when SAD?"

Fucker: "Make serious face."

Handler: "Right, make serious face. Or no ketchup on your pizza next time!"

Fucker: "Mmmm, ketchup ...."

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Don Don:"I'm above the laws. What are you gonna do about it."

Bailiff: [stuffs paperwork in all of DD's pockets] "Served! Mofo!"

Don Don: Covfefe! Foiled again."

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JD - a photographer just happened to be there when this event happened to be going on. Chris Hayes ain't havin' it.

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jesus. the placement of that photo is disgraceful. smile for the camera, while standing on gravesites. revolting people.

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Dr. Steven “Trump Troll” Cheung knows when a person is “clearly suffering from a mental health episode,” and he’s ready to accuse anyone who interferes with Poppy’s campaigning of it.

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We’re a very proud gold star family. While republicans using my father’s death and the sacrifices of thousands of others as a political prop is nothing new, trump’s actions are a sickening new low.

That said, I have no doubt he’ll pull an even more repugnant stunt a few days after he insults us the next time.

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Defund? So they'll be cancelled? Next thing you know they'll demand NPR get an abortion

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They go out in the mornin' light

My mother says, "When is Trump gonna get his life right?"

Oh momma dear, Trump's not the fortunate son,

And ghouls, they wanna have fun

Oh ghouls just wanna have fun

Trump brings in people far to the right

My father yells, "Is that any way to live your life?"

Oh daddy dear, you know Kamala's still number one

But ghouls, they wanna have fun

Oh ghouls just wanna have

That's all they really want

Some fun

Stomping all over Arlington,

The resting place of America's fallen sons

Oh ghouls just wanna have fun (ghouls, they want)

(Wanna have fun, ghouls)

(Wanna have)

Donald Trump takes all of the ghouls

And together they desecrate the hallowed tombs

Of America's bravest and most dedicated.

Oh ghouls, they wanna have fun

Oh ghouls just wanna have fun.

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That pic looks like the cast of a straight to streaming c grade Hillbilly Horrorshow!

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