My brother's was "dammit."

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I overheard the then-three-year-old offspring chattering to himself in the back of the car one day - "and Lando Calrissian will tell me come on old buddy, don't let me down, but if Lando Calrissian says come on old buddy, don't let me down, I will tell him this is bullshit."I almost drove off the road.

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Let the highest-paid state employee in Louisiana geaux? Neauxp.

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Like a hog lick.

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I knew what ya' meant about dealing with parents. I was being slick. Never heard of FERPA until now (just looked it up). The big acronym I have to deal with is FAPE.

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I love it when you guys tell stories. No snark.

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Sounds like child abuse

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Wait, why is Robb Stark wearing that cruise ship steward's uniform?

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Gawd, the university admins would have requested the National Guard if my mother had set foot on that campus. She was a small woman who had all the refinement of A Lady and all the vocabulary of A Trucker. She still ranks as one of the most foul-mouthed people I have ever met.

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But ... but ... isn't petty fuckhead the job description for administrator at LSU?

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My dear cousin was two years old at Thanksgiving dinner, when she startled the family by saying, "The sonofabitch turkey won't cut!"

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Didn't do it for me. I always see him as Vern Schillinger, no matter the role.

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No. Christie is The Outlaw Jersey Whale.

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And during his tenure as Resident (no P for him; he wasn't elected), the country was run by a bush, a dick, and a colon.

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The L in LSU stands for Liberty, right? 'Cause getting fired for saying fuck would be a thing there.

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