I find it rather disconcerting that she's a dead ringer for Kirstjen Nielson, but with a different hairdo.

I imagine a dark party, loud music, too much booze, go off together, OOH OH. Dear Dog, what have I done?

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Yeah, OK.

One down, 19 more to go.

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TBF, a bag of doritos would be more qualified to be president than donald trump.

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How dare reporters ask questions that we don't want to answer. Why, its almost like they think they have some kind of constitutional protection.

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Well, along with the rest of the Senate, she has ignored the reports of the effects of climate change just like Clinton did when he was President. That kind of intentional ignorance requires special help.

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She's just in front of Sanders as the LAST person I'd vote for in my primary, If she somehow becomes the Dem nominee, I'll hold my nose and think of the Queen. Until then, she can piss the fuck off.

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Lol . True

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Yes, I also am shamed by that.

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That was well said, I wish it had got more coverage.

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They favor Tulsi by many stock photo bots.

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These bible studies have been going on forever. Since I have grave concerns about the actual religious sincerity of the members, I figured they are a social activity. No, I don't much care for them.

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Kink of like Never Trump, eh?

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1) A single senator CANNOT force another senator to resign.

2) Other 31 what?

You are just spewing word salad. I think you are lying in your last sentence. You never "gave her the benefit of doubt."

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You may be close to politics, but you don't seem to understand things very well. Bill Clinton announced his run for prez when W.H. was doing very well in the polls. Did you say he was on a fools errand? It's a year and a half until Nov. 2020, a virtual millenia in electoral politics. NO ONE could be on top that entire time. Have you forgotten the 2016 election already?

You absolute condemnation of her leads me to wonder about your sexist leanings. With a big ticket prize like POTUS, there would absolutely be competition. Are you unaware of the "news" media in the country.

I used to respect your views, but this baseless attack on KG is really tanking your numbers.

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Franken walked away. what ever your opinion. He's an adult, he made the choice he felt would best serve himself.

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omg too much work.

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