Arghh, I guess one must be as polite as a choir boy (Like over at Daily Kos) or get banned, (Like over at Daily Kos).Sigh.@ bellesouth... Of course Harris should be re-homed hisself,,,Maybe he can be dropped off in Boku-Harem turf.

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"That being said, none of that means that the Francis family was vetted for these girls' placement in the way that DHS vets potential adoptive families. There were no home studies performed by specialists. There was no 6 month trial period."

How the heck does that happen? How can you adopt a kid without a freakin' home study? I did not know that was possible.

I want to know if there's any link between these guys and the "attachment therapy" community.

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The kid had *nothing else.* I know you're being snarky, but this story just rly burns my britches. The worst part is, this rotten fucker may have done the whole thing to take out DCFS. Putting those poor, traumatized little kids through all this shit just so he could wave his dick at Gubmint.

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Dirt is still coming out. We'll have to see. The pigball is now claiming he adopted the girls because their mother, who attends the same church, asked him to. This is a blatant lie, I'm sure, because the mother is a drug-addicted prostitute who through neglect (presumably) allowed her two older daughters to be raped at the tender ages of approximately 3 and 4, as a result of which DCFS/DHS had taken the kids away from her at least 1.5 YEARS before this prick took them.

There is SO much more to this story. And the Arkasas Legislature is now proposing to treat this as "history" and "move on" past this. Meanwhile, the fucker sits on the committee regarding the welfare of children, so any bill concerning rehoming of adoptive children has to go through his committee. Of which he is vice-chair.

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Snark aside, I am right there with you. Religi-tards like him couldn't give a rat turd about developing a child's mind. If I don't snark about it, I end up visualizing myself repeatedly whacking this jackhole with a tire iron.

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Irony is surely having an all-stops-out party over Frau Blucker's monicker.

Will do, and thanks. Change.org has a petition also. Not sure how useful/effective these things are, but pls sign anyway, thx. https://www.change.org/p/ar...

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Dude, I have been since I first read this story.

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Their real motive may have been FAR more sinister. Justin Harris' childcare farm was previously investigated by DHS for church/state violations. It's a very bible-bashing environment where kids are subjected to regular doses of religious propaganda. (Called "Growing God's Kingdom, btw, feel free to review it on Yelp.)

Harris PRESSURED Blucker to give him those three girls. No other child would do, apparently. Since he sat on the Committee on the welfare of children & youth, he has tremendous power over DHS/DCFS' budget. He used that to get those kids despite the Guardian ad Litem and ALL the caseworkers involved arguing against it.

Harris has 3 boys, all older than the 3 girls. Given the sexual abuse 2 of the girls suffered, caseworkers felt the family was not appropriate for the placement. He PRESSURED the caseworkers to drop their statements. Which they did. I hope the GAL talks, if s/he can.

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I think the mother of these girls, or their parents, DEFINITELY deserved to lose their kids. They allowed both those little girls to be raped AS BABIES. Ugh!

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Wut kind of fucking monsters are these ppl? Jayzus fucking krist in britches, man.

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They did. Apparently, nearly all the caseworkers recommended strongly against the adoption. Reasons included the fact that the Harrises have 3 older boys of their own, which the caseworkers felt may have been more difficult to handle for two of the little girls who had been raped as babies. The foster parents, who had had 1.5 years with the kids & knew them much better, also recommended against the adoption, as did the Guardian ad Litem.

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Not at all. But try not to let things devolve into a slugging match...

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That is exactly what the foster parents described. It's obvious they deeply loved the girls, & love them still. They said they kept trying to tell the Harrises that the kids had many issues that might need special attention, but the Harrises just waved them off with yawp about how they both had training in Child Development and therapists at their kiddie farm and Jeebus would glurgeprovideglurge.

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I'm sure you already know this, but pedophiles use 'rehoming' to pass kids around for abuse.

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Not sure exactly how many, but only 4 or 5 states have laws against 'rehoming.'

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