1."It’s important to pretend like you’re thinking about them 24/7 throughout the day. 4. "Wait maybe two days before responding. Don’t respond to anything immediately, ever. Even if you get it immediately, don’t respond."
Every time I think we've hit the nadir of popular culture, someone like this comes along, and I realize that we are still just on the coastal shelf, and haven't even seen the abyss yet...
This is when you decide to tell people you just did that &quot;Send Wonket Moneyz&quot; in an <i>ironic</i> way.
One time at feminism camp, I stuck a virtual Weiner up my pussy.
Having just spent a couple of hours with my kid assembling an IKEA item, ISWYDT.
Some times I think the Islamists have a point when they say Western civilization is depraved. But then I get over it.
A sad star-nosed mole?
Sometimes it does make me wonder how it can be that <i>we&#039;re</i> the ones who reproduce.
1.&quot;It&rsquo;s important to pretend like you&rsquo;re thinking about them 24/7 throughout the day. 4. &quot;Wait maybe two days before responding. Don&rsquo;t respond to anything immediately, ever. Even if you get it immediately, don&rsquo;t respond.&quot;
Fuck this woman is stupid.
Every time I think we&#039;ve hit the nadir of popular culture, someone like this comes along, and I realize that we are still just on the coastal shelf, and haven&#039;t even seen the abyss yet...
Well that was pretty creepy...
This post earns an FQ of 3.5.
or butthead texting
I don&#039;t trust groomers. You tell them not to do the anal gland thing, but they always do it anyways.
I get it now- this is more satire from the Daily Crawler
Ra ra ree! Kick &#039;em in the knee!
Ra ra ras! Kick &#039;em in the... other knee!
1. Dishonesty. 2. ???? 3. Profit.