She should have borrowed Melanoma's "I don't really care, do U?" jacket for this gig.

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I'm just going to take a moment to admire this headline... it still tickles me, two days later.

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Don't people get quit-fired, for doing the exact opposite of their job?

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The real election meddling threat comes from our own domestic Oligarchs like Cambridge Analytical (Mercers), I360 (Koch brothers) and Data trust (Carl Rove). These outfits have ways to suppress, manipulate and purge voters.

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Pretty similar to Norse pronunciation - and I saw the Danish mention and ignored it. Apparently someone in Trumps crew has said something about 'why can't we just have Norwegian immigrants" or something, and there is Keerst-Yen, all blond, blue-eyed and Scandinavian.I bet the Danes won't claim her now. Maybe some Italians, though.

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I love her way of replying to each question, while frowning that special sagging frown, with "Ah'm not going to get into.... what? Answers to reporters' questions? I mean, she has such an air of specialness when she replies that way. As if reporters have once again tried to distract her from her job of standing there, being wide, modeling the eyelashes, and demonstrating that people wanting information about this White House need to be taught a sharp lesson. However long it takes!

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Let's call a spade a spade,that was totally, a word salad.

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Hendes navn er ulovlig (ikke godkendte) under Ankestyrelsen:


(Og Finland er nordisk, ikke skandinavisk)

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Not true, in Danish her name is pronounced 'keersten' and spelled "Kirsten", believe me, its my sisters name and also I am a real Dane.. All this J stuff is just affectations, also there is not such a thing as "Scandinavian" as in common language, we are a full tribe of Danes, Swedes, Norwegians, Icelanders, Finns and soon enough Faroe Islanders and none of us will ever own that "J" !

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Lead singer was Chloe TwoVag?

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Yerdda yerdda making derr Shokolate Moose!http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn...

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The United States has had a 70 year history of interfering with other people's nations to destabilize them and 'win' elections for one particular side. But all of a sudden that is either impossible to do or, if if does get done, doesn't have any influence whatsoever. Or is it because it is Russians (aka Slavs) who are doing it? Somehow they weren't considered clever enough to trick the ordinary American? The same people who managed to believe that both Coca Cola and greasy burgers were ultimate symbols of both nutrition and high cuisine and voted for the fat fucker who ate them?

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Her Great-Grandfather came from Denmark, and her mother's family is from Italy:

In Danish her name, if it existed, is pronounced "Keerst-Yen"


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Also germs. And stairs.

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I don't think she should be fired. I think if she had any integrity or humanity she would resign.

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DHS Secretary: "They are just trying to sow mistrust, you know, so that Americans aren't sure what information is real. And then chaos and, frankly, incitement to violence in some cases as we saw with the protests." What a friggin' coincidence! That just happens to be Trump's primary objective and agenda as well.

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