"She started going through the statements, and on one statement, which was full of language, one sentence in one paragraph of that statement said, ‘If you have no activity on this account, we will close out this account," Joe the Dumber says, then adds, "the state of Pennsylvania took that money, without any notice to us." Um . . . Joe? That part that you read, full of language, where the bank told you they would close the account? We here in Sane-ville call that "notice."

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OMG, Wonkette just made me 50 bucks! I used to live in California, so I idly checked their unclaimed property list, and I had some old checking account that I had completely forgotten about.

Proof that reading Wonkette pays. Tell you what, whenever the moniez show up, I will split it with you 50-50. No joke.

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Maybe it was that second breakfast burrito?

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Off-the-Mark Levine and his ilk will be happy to recommend sellers of over-priced gold coins. Since the price of gold has fallen dramatically, I don't think these "investments" have worked out well for many people.

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When IRA's first became popular some banks would escheat the money to the state because people didn't always add money every year.

The sad part is that broke them as IRA's and the people who got their money back had to pay hefty taxes.

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I sometimes wonder if Glen doesn't pick the topics for his rants by spinning The Wheel of Derp and letting his audience's responses flesh out the details.

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I think that Glenn has by now gone well past the point where a guardian should be appointed for him so that he doesn't hurt himself.

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<em>"Second rule: I don’t go to the hospital because hospitals are where you go to die. I never understood that, until recently,”</em>

Enough with the whining about your hemorrhoid operation, Glenn! Just be glad they didn't sew your lips shut while they were at it.

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That's nothing. I was driving on the Mass Pike the other day and some jack booted thug demanded that I pay tribute to allow me to pass.

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<i>“My grandparents didn’t trust the banks."</i>

Prior to the Depression, retirement savings was privatized. People had money in the bank, in stocks and company pensions. After October 1929, all that was gone with no recourse whatsoever. People were seared by that experience; we created a safety net. And we created Social Security. Some (all?) Republicans want to go back to 1928 (or 1828).

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I felt particularly full of language driving to work this morning.

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Snark off.

Glenn Beck (similar to Rush, et al) is an incredibly crafty huckster. He's been running these paranoia scams for years, and the dupes keep shoveling him $$$.

Does he believe the shit he cooks up? I doubt it. Regardless, as long as his people keep eating it, he'll keep dishing it out.

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Example modeled by Rick Perry <a href="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-h..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-hpcHpoWqMsI/UIqXKbIRdlI...">http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-h...

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