"while I go see about a morning drink,,, "

Yep...just got back from depositing my paycheck and lo! and behold, there's a liquor store on this particular route. I have scotch and vodka in the trunk and a small bottle of bourbon in my pocket. It's going to be that kind of day.

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You're not alone bro...I'm a kingsize and all those skinnies can kiss my vast fat ass (if they ask nicely, that is)

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Don't be so sure. We only have to be mobile enough to wield a gun. Even the speediest skinny can't outrun a bullet. Meanwhile, they will all die of starvation while I remain alive thanks to my rich fat reserves.

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does glenn beck really think his base understands sarcasm?

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Right on! And while the skinny is busy removing his hand from my belly button, my knee is rapidly approaching his crotch...for a given value of rapid...if I could actually lift my leg.

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Could somebody please pass me the mashed potatoes? I'm hungry over here goddamit. I hope you didn't skimp on the butter, Mr. Pastor.

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"Fat", to these people, is the liberal guy 2 lbs heavier than them. Conservatives are not fat, Michael Moore is fat.

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Except for the owner, or CEO, or whatever that peabrain is.

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He is the perfect huckster, PT Barnum writ large. He is robbing and mocking his followers...and they love him for it. He's the kind of guy who would shake your hand and tell you he's a liar in such a way that you would chuckle and say, "oh what a kidder". He is a master of the shell game because there is no shell.

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Ah, the viewers would nod vigorously in agreement as they laid back on the couch with fistfuls of Cheetoes and Oreos. Insight isn't their strong suit.

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And they would look with scorn upon any fat liberals, thinking "there but for the grace of god, go I".

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I’m estimating that Glenn just offended 94% of his fan base although 97% of them are too stupid to realize it.

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