I wonder if there are lucrative business opportunities in Dipshitville, Tennessee, for other protection-based service providers? I mean, I am pretty sure some business owners probably would gladly invest a little insurance money to protect against eh, those violent criminal elements out there, capisce? "You sure got a nice store here, Mister Cletus, it'd be a shame if something were to happen to it. You wouldn't want that none, wouldja?"

I hope this little experiment in Libertardian ideals absolutely bankrupts everyone involved, from the mafia-style fire brigade to the fat fuck talking heads on the teevee.

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It's probably too late for anyone to see this incredibly witty comment... Has anyone else noticed how close the word mormon is to the words mammon and moron?


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"Then no safety measures will be taken until thousands become ill from gross meat."

I submit to you that this very scenario is already happening:

You see, there are thousands who follow this Beck slime creature and "there was once a cutlet of salty man meat in that mouth-hole"

Gross meat, indeed, has sickened thousands.

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Reminiscent of England, and probably the USA, in the 18th century, when all the fire insurance companies had their own fire crews. If the wrong crew was called out, not only would they not touch the fire, but also interfere if the right fire crew appeared.

Of course, in the time it took for someone to run to firehouse, the fire had usually taken a good hold on the property.

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I have to wonder why Beck is a mormon. Is it his wife that turned him or is it because the young men in the crisp white shirts got to his door before the scientologists?

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