Great porn name

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So maybe the explanation is, "we like this and our buddies will really enjoy seeing it."

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The Pedestrian comments: Trump was "not Cruz" and so on, and so forth, was expected to lose the election. Beck aligned with other anti-Trump wingnuts, and put some feeling into it. Perhaps the next chapter was supposed to be, railing against Hillary. Ratings may have started downwards right away. Then Trump wins with a big rabid-RW turnout, and it becomes clear that ratings will suck unless he sides with this mob. Sorry about stating the obvious. Still working on the snark.

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I'm hoping for a government-continuity layer beneath the pro wrestling layer.

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Thanks, shorter/smarter version of what I said.

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The "sane period" was the real Beck maybe, or an impassioned dive off a sinking ship, or something completely different.

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Yes, it sure does. What's this from?

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"rattle their cups" LOL

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i remember watching them in real time and thinking it was the best stuff on TV

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There's 10 years between my son and daughter, I told him the only reason we had him was to shovel snow and mow the lawn.

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Nah, you watch Ann Coulter, she believes it. There's no way she could be so fucking smug without actually believing it.

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I can explain these Beck shifts.

He made his mark as being a maverick right out there on the fringe beyond lunacy with his delusional, paranoid, far right, conspiratorial rantings.

He then realized that to be there was no longer to be a maverick, since it appears to include half the fucking country. He would not stand out in that crowded market, so he became a new, conciliatory maverick.

However, it's only taken him a few weeks to realize that nobody wants the latter and the appetite for the former is insatiable.

Follow the money.

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Well, of course this happened. His entire model this entire time has been to call for moments of sanity, then do the exact opposite because AREN'T YOU SHOCKED??? ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED??? ISN'T HE SO SHOCKING??? Now please buy some gold.

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Mexico progressives sane people would pay for it!

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I assume that sane Beck is the one that’s on the right meds. So this return to form is probably bad news for his mental health, but it’s a relief for me.

I’m not ready for a world where I keep agreeing with both Beck and Krauthammer, clearly one of them had to go.

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