As is his audience, so ... points for Beck? More idiots for him to sell his shit to.

I'll bet $10,000 we see wingnut-targeted anti-vax books churned out within the next 30 days. (<i>"Vaccines: the Insidious Plot against Your Constitutional Freedom of Choice"</i>)

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Alien brain-eating creature. It flew off shortly, still hungry.

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If Beck were alive in the days of Galileo, he'd be the leading the mob against science.

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Well, they did round up that pesky nurse from Maine. No, wait, that wasn't measles, and the Liberty Squad was okay with that.

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Sometimes a group is labelled "morons and idiots and crackpots and crazies" because it consists of morons, idiots, crackpots and crazies. But only about 95% of the time.

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The other 5% it is labelled "The Republican Party".

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That could be a Mason in cowboy boots so that's not working for me.

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I'm watching Jon Stewart from ;ast night- and boy oh boy, did they do a shitty job of bleeping out his "Oh for fuck's sake" after the Rand Paul clip. Bee-yoo-ti-ful.

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Glenn Beck is just <a href="https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=FraKGr7mhzk" target="_blank">a little silhouetto of a man...</a>

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Dropping Beck from a tower would be a waste of perfectly good gravity.

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I bet Sarah got vaccinated as a kid . . . and look what happened to her! Then again, she got some other injections as well...

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