It takes so dang long to sew up even a loincloth out of squirrel pelts, though!

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Instead of buying gold I'll just invade Glenn Beck's house when the SHTF.

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No less a Reaganaut luminary <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=5_4I_WroPKU" target="_blank">liar</a> than David Stockman published a <a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2013\/03\/31\/opinion\/sunday\/sundown-in-america.html\?pagewanted=all&amp\;_r=0" target="_blank">rant</a> against "fiat money" in the <i>NYT</i> the other day.

So that makes two blow-hard phonies saying sell your stocks and stock up on guns'n'ammo'n'gold. It's not just because Stockman has a book coming out and Beck is wired into Goldline. No, they're sincere!

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Bush actually "rushed" to the nuclear stockpile <a href="http:\/\/goo.gl\/maps\/HCcZk" target="_blank">hideout</a> at Barksdale Air Force Base, LA, while Cheney burrowed down at <a href="http:\/\/goo.gl\/maps\/MswTv" target="_blank">Site "R,"</a> the bunker deep inside Raven Rock that Truman built so the command authority could survive a nuclear attack.

These don't seem exactly like profiles in courage, or visits to NYC.

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Think of it as "Google Lite": when you have a product aimed at stupid people, you want to advertise it to stupid people -- and BeckTards are about as stupid as they come.

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Never. Never. Never.

Nixon used to be the most hate-able president, but Bush has surpassed him. Particularly every time he says he made "the right decision at the time." Nixon had some measure of self-awareness, at least.

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I thought it was rape?

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Don't give up! They can't take the sky from you!

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It continues to amuse me that the people who hate "FIAT CURENNCIE@!!" don't seem to get that gold is shiny. That is the entirety of its "value." (Yes, it does have high tech applications, but we're putting all that to the side for now.) When The End comes, it'd be better to have a stockpile of aluminum and iron and a little forge to make stuff with. At least with those seed bank scams, you can eat it after you go poor listening to all the scamsters; talk to Midas about eating gold.

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Gold's doing great as an <a href="http:\/\/dealbook.nytimes.com\/2013\/04\/15\/golds-plunge-shakes-confidence-in-a-haven\/" target="_blank">investment</a> right now! Keep betting on the failure of organized society, you misguided pernicious "individualists." When you come asking for a handout from government, we'll see how we feel about you.

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Golden Dildo Libel!

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Glenn, the only use for gold after societies collapse will be to weigh down your corpse after you jump in the lake.

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Once in while I get lucky...

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...this has absolutely nothing to do with the 2 day sell off that dropped the price of gold and crude by nearly 10%. It sounds like someone invested a little to heavily in Ron Paul Debloon's!!!

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It would be irresponsible not to mention it four or five times.

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