"Brain" ?? Sorry but that up there, that's just sewage backed up due to a botched bunghole operation years ago. Kind of like in that 3 Stooges episode when the lightbulbs filled up with water. Only his isn't water.


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So now the liberals are ramming pie down our throats? No thanks, I can do that all by myself.

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From an MSNBC article called <a href="http:\/\/www.msnbc.msn.com\/id\/41006982\/ns\/politics\/" target="_blank">Conservatives scoff at attempted linkage to shooting</a>: <i>Conservative historian and pundit Victor Davis Hanson wrote on National Review’s web site that, "In the times of national uncertainty and fear that immediately follow hideous mass shootings, this cheap habit of channeling insanity into politics always surfaces but never convinces — as we learned from the deplorable tactic of blaming the Oklahoma City bombing on conservative talk radio."</i>

Yes, McVeigh's, the Michigan Militia's and talk radio's obsession with the Branch Davidian incident was a purely random occurrence. Right.

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So, about this past of yours...

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I don't think Glumm Bleek could shoot his way out of a paper bag.

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It appears Glenn also favors the Glock 9mm, which -- the manufacturer is quick to remind us -- wlill <i>not</i> jam during reloading when used properly.

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i thought libtards were pansy asses who wanted to take away guns and fun. now i guess we're badass real and present dangers.


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What's this? Glenn Beck advising Sarah Palin to take extra precautions and review her own security detail? Way to psych out a bitch, Glenn.

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There is a congresswoman in the hospital with a severe gunshot wound to the head, and these assholes still find some way to make it about them.

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Sounds like a mutual admiration society to me.

I don't wish violence on either of them but if the country survived the assassinations of Jack Kennedy and Martin Luther King, I think it could bear up under an attack on Palin just fine.

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The two trouble makers highest on the "wind up the whackos" list are suddenly jibbering like people with a paper ass running through a forest fire.

The stupid is strong in them, Jedi master.

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oh gosh no thanks there.

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