<i>Imitation is the best form of flattery, and apparently Barack Obama is watching Fox News at 5pm and taking notes because he’s breaking out a chalkboard of his very own. </i>

Imitation? Flattery? Maybe it's mockery.

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Beck only uses the chalkboard so he can drag his nails across it. It reminds him of Sarah Palin's voice.

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Obviously Barack Obama is a guy with a deep-seated hatred of black boards.

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when i see all you wonketteers with the blazing red badge of exclamation point negatives i am filled with shame.

you all have gone somewhere EXTRAORDINARY and i have just stayed here.

it's like a purple heart and i didn't go.

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I totally imitate Glenn Beck every single day in my own life! I totally inhale air, exhale air, consume food substances, and excrete wastes! Someday, I will totally get good enough, just like Beck, and I will also walk upright! Until then, being Rascal-bound isn't so bad. I will continue shredding on the Obamuslin administration, as I was trained to do, at Beck U.

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Anything but PowerPoint.

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