Welp, I suppose that I didn't really want to do my mending... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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What's a Glenn Greenwalled?

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Are Moscow bungalows shittier than Rio ones?

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I've had two shots and a booster and still can't get a spoon to stick to my forehead. Musta been a weak batch.

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Name a worse cognitive decline arch than the one Glenn Greenwald is careening down right now.

You can’t

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It's funny how Ukraine seems to be in the better bargaining position.

Call in the game theorists!

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Putin, who I do not support, played the shitlib MSDNC media like a fiddle!

By Glenn Greenwald

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Tuck always looks like he's pinching one off. Sorry to be crude, but I've seen several photos of him lately and he always has that suffocated look.

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People like Tucker and Greenwalt just completely outing themselves as either paid Russian spokespeople or investors in Russian money and products. Or both. There is literally no other excuse for their behavior. They’re not “owning liberals” because liberals and conservatives think Ukraine is the victim and Putin is a murderer. They are only owning themselves.

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It’s amazing how much water Greenwald carries for gay-hating dictators like Bolsonaro and Putin. And for the nine millionth time, Russia isn’t a Communist country but rather an extreme version of laissez-faire capitalism and ethno-nationalism.

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Putin, “Look, I’ll sell it to you for 1000 dollarsZelensky, “How about 500?”Putin, “1000”Zelensky, “Now it’s 400”Putin, “Okay okay 500”Zelensky, “Okay 500, but you throw in 2000 in accessories”Putin, “Sold!”

Greenwald, “Putin is a shrewd negotiator”

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Yeah, the promised CBC radio reception in my head doesn't seem to have happened either...

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Its pretty breathtaking. I still have friends who don't watch tucker carlson or Twitter and identify Greenwald solely with citizen 4 and are astonished that I think he sucks.

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1. Thousands of soldiers lost to Russia is less than 1 casualty to western nations 2. Their defense equipment manufacturing is run by the same people who run the gas stations. 3. Their goal is a neutral Ukraine and to finalize the annexation of Crimea and Donbas... Ukraine is offering neutrality and Donbas, and Russia has occupied Crimea since 2014, but if Ukraine recognizes it, the rest of the world will... win


1. Don't go on so long everyone is dead... win

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