Natch...besides, those are more like <strike>philosophies</strike> cults than anything else.


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everyone in that picture is too thin.

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only if that paper is made out of grocery bag and you're paler than that.

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See "volpes82," above...

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See "volpes82," above...

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Levels Seven, Eight and Nine?

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Or "Lord of the Flies."

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When I was in high school, a beautiful blonde a year behind my class recommended both "Atlas Shrugged" and "The Fountainhead."

You're damn right I read them both.

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Thank you!

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Looking at that picture, having heard Glumm Bleek a time or two I would have guessed the bad sunburn was on his tush. He certainly sounds like a genuine Red Ass.

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Once they're inside GlennBeckiBeckiBeckiStan, we can weld the door shut. It will be a win-win. They get paradise, we get something even better.

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All shown on Paula Deen's show - Cooking with Saracens.

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Assuming they're made of cheez fries, I'll bet it doesn't even take that long.

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Wow, the <strike>Protestant Dissenters</strike> rightwing paranoid hysterics are announcing new escapist fantasy communities at the rate of one per month now. Is this a trend? Ten bucks says they all just move to the suburbs of Provo, and save themselves the effort.

This one will be in Texas, right? I mean, the Alamo is already completely themeparkized, and there's oil, and plenty of room, and most of the residents have already gone Galt, and he lives there. OK, sounds fine to me.

But why do the Galtgoers have such an obsession with theme parks? This one sounds like a cross between Shaker Village, Holy Land Experience <a href="http:// <a href="http://(http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...,"" target="_blank">(http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...,"</a> target="_blank"> <a href="http://(" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Orlando_crucifixion.jpg),">http://en.wikipedia.org/wik..." target="_blank">(" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Orlando_crucifixion.jpg),">http://en.wikipedia.org/wik... and Branston. Someone might want to tip off Beck that the name "Independence" has been taken, though. He could consider "Springfield" instead.

Meh, he could save himself a lot of trouble by just moving to <strike>Stepford</strike> Celebration, FL--or even just renting a turret in the Cinderella Castle at Epcot.

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Sorry, no public square. All property is private. Hangings will be carried out in the food court at the mall, between the Cinnabun and the Rainbows R Us Shoppe.

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Worked pretty well for the Mormons. A bit hard on everyone else in Utah, to be sure...

The trick is to be all isolationist and libertarian and whatnot, except when it comes to state services.

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