But if private companies aren't allowed to steal money from prisoners and their families, then they can't make as much money as they feel they deserve. Socialism at work once again *hyperventilate* *hyperventilate*.

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As through this world you travel, as through this world you roamYou won't never see an outlaw drive a family from their home.

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I have an IT job and an IT degree and could not locate my BIL using the handy online inmate locator because it is built not to work.

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Salvation by acclimation!

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Won't anybody think of the scummy bounty hunters and bail bondsmen?

Another fine insurance product thrown on the trash heap of history!

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In Repukeland that is not stealing. It is simply a "good business practice." Businesses that break the law should be nationalized and converted to employee owned.

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I don't believe in hell. But I do want to knowa)Can a corporation go to prison?b)Can a corporation receive the death penalty?

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State run prisons contract with private companies who make a profit from them.

Like, I'm not saying you should keep private prisons (because you shouldn't). But switching to state run prisons isn't going to completely eliminate the profit motive from the prison system.

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Wtaf? It’s Monday, right? Clicked on MSNBC just past 9; no Rachel, and Alex is hustling another belated NYT account of Trumpland - this one, apparently, another rehab attempt for CoS Kelly, Frau Blucher & Miles Taylor at DHS, etc. Tip to all y’all soulless, self-serving collaborators - just because you uttered the ‘f’ word around the office didn’t make you part of the resistance. And to MSNBC…you are no longer background noise around here. There are precious few hours of your schedule worth watching. You do know that original Law & Order, Aerial America and Planet Earth are on nearly 24/7, right?

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The cost of the bribes they paid for the prison contracts, and the ongoing bribes to keep the gravy train going.

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Further damaging the lives of it's victims by impoverishing them through theft - yet another feature of the Prison Industrial Complex. Forget reform, it needs to be destroyed and replaced if this country cares anything at all about human rights that is. Bwahahaha what am I saying, of course it doesn't.

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Giving business and the state a financial incentive to target people for a life-ruining stint in prison based on bogus charges is every bit as much tyranny as the criminal "justice" system in places like China or Russia, plain and simple.

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If they didn't get a cut, they had the worst lawyers ever.

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prisons shouldnt exist

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Can't agree with this. Prison should be for rehabilitation, not segregation.

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name the executives of GTL.

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