I doubt anyone cares whether he did the deed or not. It's the joke/brag about it via email to other male officers that demonstrates a sexual-harassment-y atmosphere hostile to women.

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she looks like miss piggy.

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H-a-a-a-a-nds across the water(maker) (water)... H-a-a-a-a-nds across the thigh!

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They fantasize about receiving her corporal punishment.

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The general wishes that <i>he</i> was her dipstick.

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It's just your regular government-issue Fap truck.

You know, for when you want to bring up the heavy artillery.

They are used for hauling flatbeds full of these: <a href="http:\/\/goo.gl\/Z4BdZ" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://goo.gl/Z4BdZ">http://goo.gl/Z4BdZ</a>

War is hell.

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Yeah, but Mrs. Flannagan was a great after-school tutor for teenage boys. Or, ah, so I've been told.

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<a href="http://goo.gl/7QN4x7" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://goo.gl/7QN4x7">http://goo.gl/7QN4x7</a>

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It's a side effect caused by mixing roofies and blow. Or so I've heard...

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He'll be awarded the Distinguished Service Cum Rag.

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<i>My comment[s] were a terrible attempt at humor. I didn't mean them literally or figuratively. I simply meant them to try and be funny...</i>

I was <i>looking</i> for an appropriate thing to put in my IntenseDebate profile.

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Fap, 2, 3, 4 Fap, 2, 3, 4 Fap, Fap Now try it again with your Left, Right, Left, Right. Companyyyyyyyyy, Halt.

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Let us please not apply Rule 32 to this situation. Rep Ellmers is not an object, an image, or a face you want to see before several stiff belts of Bourbon.

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Wait, what? Evidently I have lost track of the meaning of "hot" in this context.

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Or General John H. "Jack" Mihoff, soon to appear in a GOP primary near you.

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I had a good job, but I fapped,...2,...3,....4..

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