Personally, I'm glad any time a physical lesion shows up to indicate just how filthy these people are. I hope his whole face explodes in sores, eczema, and pustular acne--especially when he makes a TV appearance.

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Meanwhile Devin Nunes yesterday admitted on Faux News that senior agents from the FBI New York Field Office were in touch with him in September to inform him that they'd found Hillary emails on Weiner's laptop. FBI leakers anyone?

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Please seek help before you hurt yourself or others.

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Oh Crom, I wish I could unsee that...

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That disease can involve a nasal discharge, in which case it is called 'snyphillis.'It is frequently seen with hemorrhoids, which are also called 'crapal tunnel syndrome'.

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Like Putin, getting 105% of the vote.

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Just now noticed the nasty fever blister on Mr. Parscale's lower lip. What did he kiss to get that? And fever blister is just a polite term for herpes, innit? Same as a cold sore? Eeeww.Maybe it's part of the hipster wino billionaire look.

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I'm told that once upon a time, the Times was a respectable newspaper. I certainly have watched it decline into a credulous clickbait cage liner. That fluffer piece on the white supremacist they ran last year was the last straw for me.

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I wasn't aware that they were done with the current crop of investigations. Oh well, it doesn't hurt to get the next batch started early. Buttery Males!

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Is that as bad as an apple pie with no slices?

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Who wore it better?

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The problem with Trump's base is the same as with Brexiteers. Reagan/Thatcher economics has dumped on them- They've lost jobs overseas, leaving mostly service industry jobs, or high end ones that they will never get; not everyone can be in the top x%, so it just isn't about education and self improvement. They may be white males, but they don't feel privileged, their life is still crappy, maybe not as crappy as the minorities, but they don't see that. Yes, the boards of Fortune 500 companies may be male and white, but the actual number of people is a fraction of a percent, they don't reflect the angry people that neo-liberal economics have left behind.

Poor communities have less investment and higher crime, so their neighbourhoods are crappy. Thus they are easy prey to those who blame the 'liberals', EVEN IF IT WAS THOSE PEOPLE WHO CAUSED THE PROBLEM, because you don't see the cause and effect. Trump may be part of the Rich who has done well, but he LOOKS like an outsider. Once you have their trust, then you can convince them that anyone who disagrees with them is trying to protect their own lifestyle, because the people with the facts tend to be middle class - professors, analysts, etc, who can be accused of doing well out of the system, so don't want change.

Its very similar to Global Overheating - "Well they would claim there is a problem, because studying it is their job- no problem, no job."

Brexit is similar"Leaving the EU will cause these problems.""You're making that up because you are the sort of person who benefits from Europe."When one woman from a poor area was told Brexit will damage the economy she replied "That's your economy, not mine."

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Brad is sporting the latest style for hipster Trumpista billionaires, the hyperironic wino beard.

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My personal favorite just might be "Donald J. Trump State Park" in New York. He donated the site of a failed golf course project to the state - with no money to actually make it a park, of course. Or to maintain it in its current crappy condition. Meanwhile, he valued it at around $100 million - a serious multiple of what he paid for it. Since we don't have copies of his tax returns we don't know the charitable deduction he took on the "donation," but we can guess.

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We have a word for a single bit - "datum." Two bits? "Data." Datum is - data are.

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Well, we’re showing you a pie chart with numbers and no slices. That’s like, technical and has math, so it must be true, amirite?

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