Ex-Attorney Generals can make a great deal of money by associating with a large law firm.

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Indeed. Although why anyone would give up a perfectly secure and powerful gig in the Senate to be Trump's punching bag for a while before being wraithed and dismissed is beyond my limited powers of reasoning.

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As Session's replacement.

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Perhaps all three!

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To me, Graham's staged rage seemed to have a whiff of fear to it. I suspect either kompromat, fear of being primaried from the right, or perhaps he's angling for a wraithing as a member of Trump's administration.

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orange. haired. cheetah faced. shit gibbon.

This is my favorite e.e. cummings poem, thanks for sharing!

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I did not know that. I looked it up, and yes, he was part of that prurient, disgusting mess. Thank you.

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Like a galleon under full sail...

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go for it, meanie!

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Well you have to understand he'd gone thru a great trauma, somebody was being mean to him for the very first time in his life! And he'd been a very good boy, coming from the best people. I can imagine by the way, his attitude towards poor people. They don't even exist.

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The difference in their presentation couldn't be more clear. She managed to keep it together pretty well, all things considered. He, OTOH, was a whiny-ass little titty baby throwing a tantrum. Sad! Weak!

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tis true

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Yes, he did. He thinks he's entitled to everybody's special consideration and love. And you know, I've been reading David Brock's book about the days when he was a Republican dirty trickster, and Brett-- forgot his last name!!-- was one of those people. He was a filthy liar himself during those years. And now he wants to be treated like a great statesmanlike figure. He's got no accurate sense of himself at all, which I suppose people like Rush Limbaugh do.

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