You're missing the part where all the other closely-held corporations find God, and go ahead with their plans and say "This isn't a transfusion or illegal discrimination, so this is acceptable!"

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Thank you Samuel Alito, for helping make everyone suspicious about and dubious of people with "deeply held religious beliefs." It's like you invented a Bigotry License, and religious folks are actually gladly signing up for it! This should help turn people away from God like crazy. I wish I'd thought of it.

-- Satan

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they make noises about rescinding it from time to time mainly because they are experiencing seriously low birth rates, but I don't think they've actually yanked it yet

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A pastor with a porpoise

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He has a deep, basso profundissimo voice, at least when he talks to me and tells me to burn places.

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That cracking sound I hear is the dam holding back the deluge of utter nonsense and nuisance suits claiming "deeply-held religious belief!" starting to buckle.

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what i don't understand is why ruth bader ginsberg hasn't gone all river tam on alito's ass.

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Does this apply to closet corporations?

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i just posted a joss whedon nerd version of this.

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President Obama: most dividy-est president in the history of since Sarah Palin's last speech about how he divides the nation.

Something something looters.

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I thought the SCOTUS ruling only applied to Hobby Lobby’s closely-held breeder fetish. They distinctly said it wasn't a blanket approval of all religious inspired bigotry. Or am I missing something here?

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Maine wants an exemption from Leviticus with regard to lobstah.

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Dok makes a good point. If the church bigots are going to insert themselves into public policy by invoking their religious beliefs then they should lose their tax-exempt status. If the Catholics, Mormons and Southern Baptists had to pay property and income taxes, either the national debt would be erased or they would shut the fuck up.

Either is acceptable.

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You go to war with the Supreme Court you have, not the Supreme Court you wish you had.

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except Iran offers free birth control to its citizens

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you missed the *wink*

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