Yeah, but he contributed for <strike>14 billion</strike> six thousand years.

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The fools are inevitable and mostly harmless (except on election day) ... it's the ones actually working for the Devil you have to watch out for.

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So there's a silver lining to Texas being broke, after all.

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He's reconsidering that decision. Ummm... wait, what?

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So that's Mary's "O" face, huh?

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No comments how "GOD it's hot!!!". Or is everyone else in Canada right now?

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I'm biased, but I blame yappy dogs on humans and will allow god to take credit for the quiet, calm big dogs. Ok, not true, since I'm an atheist, but just in case I'm wrong.

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Speaking of, I should put down Our Wonkette and go score.

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My friend in Toronto indicated yesterday that they had a 120 heat index yesterday (she's kind and converted from C for the 'Murkins). Apparently, god has even forsaken Canada.

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Indeed! Knew I was too slow on the draw.

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When God outsourced free will, it was his/her biggest mistake. See "My Biggest Misteaks: God's Advice to Managers", now available on the kindle.

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God made yeast. Yeast make alcohol. End of story.

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I can see where 5% are not happy with the God's creation of the universe. If I could wave a magic wand, I'd have made neutrons pick a charge, stop this "I'm both and neither" zen crap they pull outta their ass at parties.

Also I would have put in motion the physics and natural laws so my neighbor would not have a goddamn yapping dog.

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Downfist him/her.

Why would she listen to God anyway? He/she gave her a broken brain (migraines). And she'd giving them to the rest of us. And she/he made her -- MADE HER -- marry that fabulous totally heterosexual he/she man/gaydar-test-generator.

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How did Satan do?

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