I was just Joshing.

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You shouldn't kid around like that.

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So true. Billy The Goat Kid was a dangerous outlaw. I kid you not.

EDIT: Totally Unrelated Coincidence: My high school's mascot was a billy goat. For real; I am not making that up. This was at my third and final high school, the one that gave me a diploma.

(My reaction when I found that out was, "Holy Hannah! I was expecting a horse, but I got a goat.")

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Yes...it pretty much is.

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They can do an E! crossover with the Kardashians. Wife-swap shenanigans always seems to bring in the car-accident-rubbernecking ratings.

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I am SICK to death of people blaming the kids for the ones who are being molested! It is time they hold the Molesters accountable! NO MORE DUGGARS!

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Will the van have "Jesus Saves" on one side and "Free Candy" on the other?

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Somebody grab me a strong drink and kick Lindsey G. off the fainting couch. I think I need to lie down.

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It's a bad thing if it happens in the first episode. They're saving that for sweeps week, baby!

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IT would be tacky and tasteless.

So totally something they would do.

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Yes, yes it will.

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You've got to be carefully taught.

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I'd watch that. I'm not proud of it, but I'd definitely watch it.

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They should learn to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

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Pre-existing condition

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I remember once telling someone that I did not much care for that show because I am all against pimping your kids for TV money.To which I was lambasted because they can totes provide for their brood without TV money so there!!!!

Think I am gonna call her tomorrow....

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