Not Baba Ram Das? Or Baba Rum Raisin?

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And sit on you mother's lap til I get back.

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Much of what flooded was not in the Corps of Engineers flood plain. Hence people didn't buy flood insurance. There are few places in America that wouldn't flood if they got 30 inches of rain on 16 hours.Go fill you bath tub. Depending on the tub, that is 12-16 inches of water. Twice that much fell on Livingston Parish in 15 hours.

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Yep. Thank God Louisiana has a Democratic Governor again. John Bell Edwards has his hands full with a broken budget, no Medicare expansion, and now this. But at least Jindal new how to do an exorcism.

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We were too. We had family photos and wedding and funeral announcements going back to before the Civil War. All gone

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Nobody wants to talk about that. Hotest July on record. Tropical wave stalls and drops record rain (not even a Tropical Depression). Wait til the Hurricains get rolling around Labor Day.

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I lived in New Hampshire and Upstate NY for a while. It is mighty cold in the Winter. The people are nice, and neighborly, but I came back South.Retire to a Southern City of University town (except College Station, TX or Starkville MISS.)

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Mother Nature. The ultimate spanking for climate change deniers. Unfortunately She spanks us all.

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Well, if Tony ever goes on the electric teevee machine for an interview again, I hope the host will take the time to count down some of Tony's greatest judgments hits, detailing who did what to piss off God, and then ask, "So Tony, given your extensive history of pronouncing natural disasters as God's judgment on people after the fact, why shouldn't we think that the destruction of your home isn't exactly the same thing? Should you be judged by the same judgment with which you've been judging others for years? If not, why not?"

Then have some production assistant come up on Perkins from behind and smack him in the back of the head with a whiffle ball bat, and say, "Sorry; God's judgment." Then keep doing it while Perkins sputters out an answer.

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Tony was in the stall next to me at The Speedway tapping his foot vigorously. I stomped it and left.

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Please tell me it was with spike heels or steel toes

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Thx---good advice. When you come right down to it, I'd probably miss some things: the amazing springtime, the long growing season, black church music, funny figures of speech (so lazy he wouldn't hit a lick at a snake), maybe even arguing politics with my neighbors. But it's that last thing I'm seriously tired of right now.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love irony and karma, also, too. I will feel badly for the thousands of people whose homes have been lost, but, sorry, not sorry, for Tony Perkins. While a good many others in La. will struggle to rebuild their lives, ol' Tony will very likely call on his followers to rebuild his life for him while promising them a heavenly reward. Suck it, Tony.

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Best of luck to you and your family. I hope Mary and David stay safe.

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I think the REAL point in all this is that "good christian" Tony will not help ANY of his neighbors, in particular the pooz, he will most likely try to buy up their properties for pennies then expand his already ludicrously stupidly YOOOUGE house.

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