I can't with Jews For Jesus.

They're not Jews, they're Messianic Christians. Speaking an MOT from birth, Jews don't proselytize. You have to really, really want to be a Jew. And you have to have a really, really good reason. And the process is extremely difficult. Besides, given all the shit we've been subjected to through the ages, who wants to be Jewish?

Jews' whole thing is that we're waiting for the Messiah to come. It's our whole rraison d'etre. We pray for this with every service. He ain't coming, baby, much less have already come.

In short, J4J are a bunch of frauds, just like their Orange Jesus.

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Well, this is all an unfortunate transcription error. Trump is not a Cyrus (he has no heart, achy breaky or otherwise), he is a Cletus. Slack-jawed and yokelly. (Also, Jews for Jesus hurt both my heart and my brain and can generally just perambulate off a short promontory - with votes.)

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Uh my gateway is a repurposed old Dell desktop. This is *seriously* not Bronze. This is either Tin, or possibly Paper Mâché.

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The coronavirus is gods punishment for supporting trump and won't end until he is voted out of office

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And then give them a wedgie.That, or he was going to yank off more than the pants.

Either way, it sounds painful.

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can`t be that hard, Ivanka managed,

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I can't figure that one out. But in the process of trying I fell down a rabbit hole. I started with a list of Protestants, and in the P's I had to click on "Peculiar People". They have sects. From now on, if anyone asks about my religion, it's "Plumstead Peculiar" (with British accent). That aughtta derail the convo.

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I briefly glanced at some posting of his reasoning, and it had something to do with him admitting to being a political moron, and Trump being the candidate that appeals to political morons.

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I usually think of it as being more porridgey, myself.

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My mom has tried to watch that movie every Easter for something like 50 years... every time she does, she falls asleep. It's like magic. She could be full of caffeine, fresh from a nap, and be surrounded by loud people who pinch her... and she still falls asleep every time.

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That's disrespectful to bacon bits.😃😃

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A freshly made egg salad sandwich is a beautiful thing.

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It might also be god's plan to get rid of all they hypocritical, and so-stupid-you-wonder-how-they-breath religious nuts that a continuously fucking up this planet.

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I am referencing Christopathy.

Judaism is the only Abrahamic faith that I have any respect for at all. I seriously contemplated converting in my mid twenties after I'd been dating a young man of the Jewish faith for more than a year.

Ultimately it was the fact that I wasn't Jewish that brought an end to our relationship. We determined that, conversion or not, his family wouldn't be at all keen.

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Why don't they just move Easter Sunday to the first weekend after the Stable Genius reopens our country for business, and then they can claim that he called it all along? HENNNNGH?

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Huh! Testerical Conservative talking points and the daily charge list from the cop shop glued together with miles of automobile ads didn't translate well to television? Who woulda thunk.

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