Shouldn't that "him who strengthens me" be retranslated to "my sponsor, who is a Christ-hating liberal and probably gay because you know, the liberal and Christ-hating"?

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I failed at my google-fu and can't actually find a link to this guy's discount card site but if that link were to be posted perhaps a bunch of us could do our small part and actually express some support for the guy. Send him a supportive email at least.

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It's snark but I am sort of psychotic, it being the end of the semester.

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Yes! Lee Trevino was twice hit by lightening while on the golf course. From those incidents came his great line "If you're out on the course and lightening starts, hold up your One Iron. Not even God can hit a One Iron."

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Maybe I suggest that, going forward, here on Wonkette it always be "Canadian-born Sen. Rafael 'Ted' Cruz?"

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What the hell it's a golf card? And why would Jeebus choose one brand over another?

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I thought he had an appointment with Phil at 4:13.

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Admittedly I'm not much of a golfer, but I don't think I've ever <i>seen</i> a one iron.

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You must be new here.

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A. A good walk spoiled? B. A series of hilarious drunken misadventures in a small powered vehicle? C. An excuse for visiting exotic houses of ill repute? D. AOT,K?

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Or a Christian employer asking an interviewee if they have a personal relationship with Jesus and basing their hiring on the answer.

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That's actually Renaissance Faire libel.

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Or when he won the fucking Masters.

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Okay, now I'ma have go have a lie down.

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Also, too, caddies.

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