Thank you for the nice compliment. Yes, it is me and I have worn a very short pixie for years. I live in Florida where any extra warmth is not welcome!
OMG that is awful. With stuff like that happening in the world and the Zika virus and child soldiers let's worry about what women do with their genitalia because obviously we've solved all of the other problems in the world. I'm amazed I was able to type any of that correctly my eyes were rolled so far back in my head.
As for the "pro-life" stuff. I love what Sister Joan Chittister has to say about being truly pro-life. Only caring about a child until it is born is not at all pro-life.
I have to laugh at people like Mack Major because otherwise I would have died of a rage stroke ages ago.
I'm afraid you didn't read the article too closely (I know, you were looking at the photo). Older ones have been discovered in France and Morocco. Still cool.
Mine is so long I have to be careful not to tuck it in to my jeans. I'm often tempted to cut it all off, but it's so unruly while growing that I always end up leaving it alone.
The sunburn would be catastrophic!
Thank you for the nice compliment. Yes, it is me and I have worn a very short pixie for years. I live in Florida where any extra warmth is not welcome!
That is exactly the image that popped into my mind when I read about women riding dildos straight to hell.
OMG that is awful. With stuff like that happening in the world and the Zika virus and child soldiers let's worry about what women do with their genitalia because obviously we've solved all of the other problems in the world. I'm amazed I was able to type any of that correctly my eyes were rolled so far back in my head.
As for the "pro-life" stuff. I love what Sister Joan Chittister has to say about being truly pro-life. Only caring about a child until it is born is not at all pro-life.
I have to laugh at people like Mack Major because otherwise I would have died of a rage stroke ages ago.
I'm afraid you didn't read the article too closely (I know, you were looking at the photo). Older ones have been discovered in France and Morocco. Still cool.
"It's just a pelvic massage. Doctors used to do it all the time."
"I was massaging my colon!"
Don't forget the evergreens at Xmas especially when they're lit up, or the bunnies and eggs at Easter. All as pagan as can be.
I should have read more before posting.
Just an aging dominatrix/saint here.
Wow. They offered me a free gift with purchase just for showing up. I didn't take them up on it.
Mine is so long I have to be careful not to tuck it in to my jeans. I'm often tempted to cut it all off, but it's so unruly while growing that I always end up leaving it alone.
I remember seeing the Road to Wellville, too.
Said the Mets trainer.
That's some serious dedication. Once mine gets past my shoulders, I start getting antsy.
First thing people notice about me, is how inconspicuous I am.