Wow the Catholics working to out their priests, we do live in interesting times.

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You would think they'd be used to the grift by now. They didn't see their leaders also getting in on the action?

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Interestingly, b) – government out of "marriage" business (leave the word for the churches, and all civil marriages called civil unions for everybody) was in fact the position of Canada's Conservative Party.

But... when their base realized that there are churches that will marry gay people in the eyes of God --- and thus you would STILL GET MARRIED GAY PEOPLE --- they dropped the ruse and went back to the position of banning same-sex marriage.

As every single court has found, with countless hours of questioning the logic behind opposition to marriage equality, the only reasons are 1) religious and 2) animus to gey people in general. Neither of which can be a basis for law. Louis E.'s comment does not indeed compute.

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Well, that's at least reasonably civilized. This, however, is basically handing everyone a baseball bat at letting them go to town on everyone else.

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The vertical stripes ain't working the way they're supposed to, Fuckabees.

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Good Christians To Smoke All The Homosexuals Out Of 2016 Candidates’ Hidey-Holes

Even the ones at the pole?

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I remember, during the 1992 Presidential election, running into a RW neighbor of mine at the local WallyWorld, and he was raving about how Pat Robertson had said that they were sending 40M evangelicals to the polls to elect George Bush over that heretic infidel Bill Cliton (who was, BTW, going to ban hunting and take away all guns and...well, you know the rest: the trope hasn't changed one iota in 23 years). Funny thing, though, is that Bush only got 38M votes, and I doubt if all of them were evangelicals, so where was this supposed mighty Christian army trying to save America?

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...and any Christian campaign to out Lindsey Graham and every closeted Republican and every closeted member of their families has my undying support. Keep up the good work for the Baby Jeebus, Pastor Lane. Maybe next you and yours should go after those Republican Jezebel whores who believe women should be able to vote and have sex before marriage while using The Devil's Coil (you know, an IUD)!

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"80 million evangelicals and 40 million Catholics". So, according to the logic of the esteemed (or steaming pile) Pastor Lane, Catholics are not evangelicals. That's good to know. Now I can stop hating the Pope and Catholic priests for their evangelical nature and double my hatred for their tacit endorsement of the raping of children. One less thing to worry about! Thanks, Pastor Lane!

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I duno. SOME will do so (as Indiana realized to it's horror.)

The bigger problem is why DEMOCRATS would even bother pandering to these people (and it wasn't that long ago that "the gay" was a big 3rd rail that neither party wanted to touch.)

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Yeah, good luck to Pastor Lane, if he believes that Republicans are losing the White House because 120 million Evangelical and Catholic voters are staying home on Election Day. I doubt that's even true. Republicans won't win the White House because they cannot appeal to a religiously diverse, multicultural/multiracial nation and rely wholly on White voters. Fighting against gay rights is a losing issue.

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Only in spring, right?

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Thought exactly the same thing.

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Dear Lord; Please Rapture these fucking idiots. Amen.

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"Smarmy snake charmin' future roasters" is my new name for my jazz-funk-fusion band!

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Agree. I remember a time, maybe the 80s? when gay activists were against gay marriage because copying the vows of straight marriage was seen as a regressive move against new-found sexual freedom. There are still a few folks thinking that way. But the legal protections offered by marriage came to be more important than the fun of one night stands. Especially after the aids crisis, which saw partners cruelly denied visitation rights by hospitals.

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