I'm guessing Nazi enabling Tennesseers wouldn't bat an eye if someone said they were assigning Dr Seuss books with racist images to kids to read.

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I have actually seen them 4 times, and in addition to some discs I got them to sign, I also got the set lists at all 4 shows signed. The set lists are wonderful, in both Japanase and some English with all sorts of drawings on them!

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You have, obviously, not seen me naked.

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Of course the TN Skool Bored goons could find it. Probably rubbed one out to it.

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And they use whatever bathroom is available, regardless of gender. I know we had only unisex bathrooms in my house. Lol! It’s as though they come into the world free of politics and bigotry.

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When I was 7, Da cast me in a UVM student show about the Holocaust. I read The Butterfly, by Pavel Friedmann.

(Version 2, at this link: https://www.hmd.org.uk/reso...

Needless to say I have never forgotten it. And yes, I started learning about it then, as a kid, because FFS what part of NEVER FUCKING FORGET do these meretricious morons not understand??!!

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TRUTH! A Catholic School nun told six-grader Eileen about "To Kill A Mockingbird." This was in the early 60s.

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He also wrote a great short Green Lantern Corps story called "Mogo Doesn't Socialize"

You can read the whole thing below - it starts about halway down the page, and you can enlarge the panels by clicking on them..Buit try not to scroll down too far so you don't see the last panel too soon...


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Everyone gets older and everyone’s bodies degrade eventually. People should learn to accept that aging happens, everyone’s bodies are different, and that there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m just as squeamish as the next gal, about old saggy balls swinging about uncovered, and all the other imperfections of the human body being on display, because I’m American and have been conditioned to expect that only model-perfect bodies will be seen naked. But I know it’s not okay to have that conditioning. There’s nothing moral about mandatory modesty, especially when it’s clearly not applied equally. I don’t like seeing visual reminders of my mortality either, like cellulite on my once perfect ass. But life is better when you accept that there’s nothing wrong with it.

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Maybe he didn't like the competition...

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With us in the COVID crisis, I'd've gone with Ω...

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I haven't read a ton of Holocaust lit (still haven't read Maus, for example), but I've read a book here and there. The Painted Bird, while probably somewhat fictionalized, was a real psychic shovel to the head. So was The White Hotel.

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Or racist Tintin books.

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Interesting that this mentions McMinn County. I had read this a,while back but it popped up again in checking on this county. Shortly after WWII, a group of vets and citizens were upset about actions by the sheriff and demanded fair elections. The sheriff instead confiscated the ballot boxes. At which time the citizens surrounded the jail at the county seat, Athens, where the sheriff and dozens if deputies took refuge. And eventually surrendered. Check out the Battle of Athens. The county politicians sound just like some Republicans now.

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well done, Mr. Comic Book Store guy!

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my dad had a collection of memoirs and other books written about the concentration camps, and the horrible things that were done. Being an avid reader, I read most of them, when I was in elementary school (a Catholic school). I was lectured about how I should not be reading those things, that I wasn't old enough. I thought that line of reasoning was bullshit; this happened and people my age died, so why shouldn't I be aware of it?

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