The sad thing is that the only way you can get a Krispy Kreme donut around here is in a box from the grocery store.

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That's the second clip of him from the past (like while he was president) that I've seen in the last couple of days where I thought, how could anyone look at this guy and think he should be president? The other was some interview at the WH where he was talking about opening up the churches for Easter. I mean, if you were sitting next to that guy on a bus, you would get up and move.

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Media: useless.

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Oh, that is sad. A Krispy Kreme right off the conveyer belt is the ideal donut. If it sits on the table at Krispy Kreme just a few minutes too long it's nowhere as good. I hope once everyone can travel again that you'll travel to a Krispy Kreme city. And make sure the sign is lit.

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I used to work near what I think was the original Krispy K in Atlanta. You could stand outside and watch the belt. Sadly, I think I read recently that there was a bad fire there.

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For the record, the American people do not give a single flying fuck "how he feels" about fucking anything. Not unity, not Republicans. We say, in bipartisan unison: Fuck His Feelings. He is the president. He has policies and programs and opinions, all of which are meaningful. How he feels about children in cages or terrifying Chinese viruses or the evil bastards who want to end democracy in America is irrelevant. We don't care if Biden is jocular or dour, serious or lighthearted, impatient or contemplative. We. Don't. Care.

After four years of a president who only talked about himself, his personal feelings (anger, rage, resentment, smugness, and anger), and who had no policies, programs, or opinions on any of the issues for which he was responsible, we're done with that. Done. With. That.

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He came close with "That's a serious question, right?"

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I've known some members of the WH press corps, and they are much less shallow and self-regarding than this. Setting aside the people who are operatives for the GOP Lie Machine, the WH press corps are normal, well-informed people. They don't really worry about being respected. The feeling of eliteness is the same as it is for anyone who has a backstage pass at the rock concert. They knew W was dumb as a log, and they knew Trump was a dangerous liar. They have to do a job, and the more access they're given, the more they want. It's the nature of the process. Like other Beltway insiders, they see a lot of the jockeying between left and right as a game, in which they are both spectators and referees. It's the same mentality that allows James Carville to marry Mary Matalin.

What you're describing is the opinionators and pundits, whether at the big newspapers or the networks - they are narcissists with an inflated sense of their own authority. It's why the regular opinion columnists are all well worth ignoring. I except Paul Krugman, who deals in data and has information to offer.

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Because he knows if the GOP's carefully engineered "election" contraption is disassembled they'll be on a one way ticket to Loser-land, and the bill is surgically designed to do just that.

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The people are trying to grab power from the powerful. As if we were some ragtag little democracy or something.

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Upfist for Kaw-Liga reference. I first heard it performed by Charley Pride.

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It could happen to anyone, but when it happens to anyone else, someone mention's it to them so they don't keep walking around with toilet paper stuck to their shoe.

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"That's a nasty question" And gifs of him mocking a reporter's disability.

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An excellent version, no doubt about it. But nobody sings it like Hank. He brings out the plaintive. BTW, if you ever get the chance, listen to Hank's demo version of "Cool Water" - just him and his guitar. Beautiful!

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the ACME vote-a-matic 9000?

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