If so, good for him!

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It was different. The MSM was Trusted (blahblagCronkiteblahblah) and complicit and bland. Investigative reporting was a pale feeble version of what the better MSM does now. The wacko right was more isolated on the fringe.

OTOH, you can't really top a sitting president trying to steal an election in the strictest sense of the word "steal"; sekrit carpet-bombing of a nation with whom we were not at war; an FBI whose main job was to harrass, intimidate, and occasionally murder citizens; various governors whose openly declared role was to kill, jail, rob, and abuse about 30% of their state's citizens; and then there was that president later who had Alzheimer's and fell asleep during Cabinet meetings.

Nothing, *nothing* this country is doing today can match Jim Crow for sheer evil--for the normalization of sheer evil.

I loathe Dick Cheney and the horse he rode in on, and Reagan horrified me, but I will never feel for any American politician the hatred I felt and still feel for Nixon. The shitstorm in the GOP today and the lunacy aimed at our dark-skinned president are the direct legacy of Nixon's Southern Strategy. He had the chance to move the South away from its past, but instead he chose to drive it deeper into its old pathology. And for the most callow and superficial of reasons.

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Yep . . . that's the catch

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Gore Vidal!!!

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I see what you did there.

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Crying himself to sleep every night?

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And those amazing right-wing \"folk\" songs Tim Robbins and his brother wrote...

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Wingnut Butthurtgate has a nice ring to it. Personally, though, I'm partial to "Faux Outragegate."

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God bless him.

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Whiskey makes him frisky.

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Beyonce should return her entire appearance fee.

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I watched Beyoncé with the sound on and everything. But actually I only watched Beyoncé.

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Justice Roberts wisely lip synced the oath after his awful live performance in 2009.

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Who did the actual singing? I assume it's Zhang HanYun (张含韵) 'cause we import everything from China now including flags and soundtracks.

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I'm sure there are some ingenious theories being put together.

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And Mrs. Boehner faked her 18,000th orgasm.

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