How odd! California raised taxes, and has just paid off the debt Arnie ran up a decade ago, and has lots of startups creating lots of jerbs, sustaining an above average growth rate. Meanwhile, Kansas has their "zero income tax (for S-corps)", can't seem to balance a budget, and according to the puff piece you linked, can't seem to convince anyone to stay in the state.

It's like the tides, you just can't explain it.

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That's OK, they have a solution...unlicensed teachers!

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well $20 since ATMs don't issue $5 bills, plus fees so quicker then that! WTG KansASS

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all the quallity edumacation of homeschooling with the added benefit of getting paid by the gubment they wail against so much

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True, stealing from someone already so poor they have to use TANF to survive is about the most despicable thing one could do.

That IS what you meant, right? :P

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Well, not just handjobs, obviously.

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"Thieves" That red squiggly line means you misspelled the word, you ignorant piece of shit.

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Ronald Raven libel!

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Kansas farms don't grow food. They grow corn. It's like oil you don't have to frack for.

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Buh bye.

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When you really hate something, you have to always capitalize it in a sentence--regardless of where the word appears. ;)

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Was this a roundabout way for you to complain that your hookers are charging too much?

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He probably hates unionized teachers because they tried to teach him proper capitalization rules and he finds the rules oppressive.

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Maybe he's just butthurt about how the Union crushed the confederacy. ;)

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My weapon is not for fun.

That's what my gun is for.

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I'm not sure whether or not Brownback does dogs but he sure keeps fucking that chicken.

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