Have you ever read <i>Foucault's Pendulum</i>? (cf, Dok's "Eco" reference somewhere in here). It's great fun.

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Yeah, I sort of agree with you, and I'm no fan of the Greatest Generation's asinine foreign policies. But if wolvenwood13 is claiming that the Baby Boom generation can take credit for winning the civil rights battle, then it has to take responsibility for VN too. They are coeval. Both started in the Eisenhower era (or, for that matter, under Truman), but VN was a crappy little CIA counterinsurgency game until LBJ jacked it up.

The charming folks who cooked up the VN war included some Greatest Gen creeps like Curtis LeMay, but the conceptual geniuses were sixties technocrats. I think that's important: the Boomers may have cut our teeth on antiwar activism, and being cannon fodder, but we also were (are) the architects of the policies that drive the US military today.

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My favorite conspiracy theory is the Earl of Oxford wrote Shakespeare. I've been spending time on it this week as I start teaching Macbeth today, and I find it an entertaining way to immerse myself in Shakespeare. My only disappointment is that Derek Jacobi is a committed Oxfordian, and he's the best Hamlet I ever saw.

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<blockquote>The best news of all? Only 4% of Americans agree that

<blockquote>shape-shifting reptilian people control our world by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate our societies.</blockquote> </blockquote>

So, that's about 12 million US Americans who believe that. I wonder how many of the "2 million defensive gun uses a year" (yes those are scare quotes!) come from this crowd.</blockquote>

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You could be onto something. After all, do we even KNOW the contents of his tomb??? IS he in there? Bardghazi!!!!

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It's remarkable how often that 27-28% comes up, isn't it?

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NPR just announced 52% of Americans believe pot should be legal. We'll need it to tolerate the conspiracy crowd.

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the truth is out there...

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<i><a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Clever_Hans" target="_blank">Kluge Hans</a>! </i>

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Not before he finishes detailing my car!

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The salient fact is that 20% of Americans believe there is an Antichrist. Everything after that is just catnip.

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We also started the Vietnam War, and have been merrily running the global environment off a cliff on behalf of our own children. I'm not wildly impressed with my generation, in some respects. Plus, ending the draft is probably the main reason why we find it so easy to casually start wars nowadays. None of our kids are gonna go overseas to earn a living getting blown up.

I gotta go with SorosBot on this one: we all loved the JFK conspiracy theories not because they made any sense or were grounded in solid evidence, but because they made such a massively entertaining, fun story.

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<i>Now i have to worry that people who control the stock market believe reptilians have taken over earth.</i>

Naturally they do; most of them are cold-blooded, scaly fly-eaters with lidless eyes. Why wouldn't they?

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Shhh! Don't tell the others!

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Do you have any hard ones? Because my local supplier, Phil, is really peddling some low-quality shit. His last one started out with "Strawberry Field" being an orphanage owned by the Rosicrucians, and somehow ended up with the Brothers of the Rosy Cross killing Paul and replacing him with a double. Unfortunately, Strawberry Field was run by the Salvation Army, and the Sally Ann doesn't do murder. Not much of an intellectual challenge there.

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