Exactly! The teacher must exceed the student!

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And regardless of population, every state will get at least one Congressperson, and every state will get the same number of Senators.

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I wonder if they think they're being generous and humane by denying cost free sanitary products for school kids. Ehardt, Scott, and Nichols, and seven other female Idaho lawmakers gleefully voted against providing those products for free in schools. Collectively, our legislature is a monster. I'm just glad I live in District 19

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My dad is a PhD psychologist. I have suffered from depression and PTSD my whole life due to his abuse. I wasn't diagnosed until 2 years ago. That's 51 years of untreated mental illness because my father, the PHD psychologist, believes that psychotherapy and pharmaceuticals are garbage and I fell for his indoctrination. Thanks dad. Fuck you and Ted Cruz

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It's pretty gross how the right thinks that equal rights for marginalized people means that they get special rights. Yeah it's pretty special not to get beat up or murdered by bigots.

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This is one of those books that will change you forever…


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That's why they're not "conservative."

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Idaho is a State that allowed parents who had religious exceptions to refuse treatment for their children and LET THEM DIE of easily cured conditions. SHAME

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Let's see them banning AIS. Something that occurs in the first 6 weeks of life. The baby is genetically male, but will never have a penis or testes. It is not rare enough to be something you could dismiss. But to attempt to counsel or treat the condition is technically criminalised

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'Don't let the losers define the terms.'

Maybe we already failed that—it's the right who insist, dogmatically, "there are only two genders!" But what if instead we allowed, let's say, that chick with a dick were a third gender option? (But perhaps in less pornographic terms.)

IDK, that's just me, not knowing anything.

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"And don't you DARE touch mah Soshul Scurity!"

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Is this Davis?

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Go back quite some time, and the Talmud acknowledges six.

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"First they came for ..."

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Just once, when a republican talks about parental rights or protecting children, they talk about the right of parents to see their children come home from school alive or protecting children from mass shootings.

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but when it comes to guns there’s just nothing they can do?

It’s not that there’s nothing they CAN do. It’s just that there’s nothing they WILL do.

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