Hmmmm, a dude who enjoys putting his hand up the ass of a child-sized object and working with Children in a Christian environment. What could go wrong?
Seriously...I went to a "normal" Lutheran church and the pastor had extramarital sex with about 20 women. Normal is not a vaccination against sexual predation.
Gross. Disgusting. Miniature, baby *anything* as food turns my stomach. Don't get me started on veal. Cute, innocent, defenseless little baby veals.
Our interest in this guy is strictly (and very highly) professional.
<i>Whosoever eats my flesh, and drinks my blood, has eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.</i> John 6:54
As long as there&#039;s nothing queer about it.
Yeah, well, he had that on his Facebook page. I shit you not.
And originally from Alabama. What were the odds?
But think about all the Christians given charge of children who AREN&#039;T trying to do terrible things to them...
Nae! he cooldnae be a christian. if he was, he wooldnae chase efter wee bairns. nae true christian woods dae sic&#039; a hin&#039;.
Hmmmm, a dude who enjoys putting his hand up the ass of a child-sized object and working with Children in a Christian environment. What could go wrong?
You, sir, are the winner!
Hey, his website is still up and there is a cartoon about creepy ventriloquists! <a href="" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">
As far as you know.
<a href="http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.n..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.n...
Seriously...I went to a &quot;normal&quot; Lutheran church and the pastor had extramarital sex with about 20 women. Normal is not a vaccination against sexual predation.
<i>How To Cook <b>For</b> Children</i>
Gross. Disgusting. Miniature, baby *anything* as food turns my stomach. Don&#039;t get me started on veal. Cute, innocent, defenseless little baby veals.
It must be awful for religious parents of small children. Church is a minefield. Who needs that.