sorry I meant this: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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have to take issue with you about your claim regarding the Trump Tower meeting. The entire Red Army Choir was NOT there. Sure, their 64 members could easily be overlooked among the 100's (at last count) that were there. According my sources, the choir only sent this guy: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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I have to take issue with you about your claim regarding the Trump Tower meeting. The entire Red Army Choir was NOT there. Sure, their 64 members could easily be overlooked among the 100's (at last count) that were there. According my sources, the choir only sent this guy:https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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I have to dispute your claim https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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I know. 😁

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I was teasing ;-)

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We're actually Vulpes as opposed to Felis or Canis. As one would expect, foxes go their own way.

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I thought he said the opposite. My bad. It is a all shit stained blur at this point.

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I think that I shall never seeI mean it, I'll never see any more treesYou clear-cutting fucks- Joyce Kilmer

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Someone here called foxes 'cat software running on dog hardware.'

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