So how long before this position is filled? I know Stefanik is rumored to get it, but how soon? Does the whole party vote on this or just the committee?????

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How has Cawthorn not been swirlied yet?

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I would imagine it's the GQP House caucus.

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My guess would be people give him WAY more leeway than they should due to his disability

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The Night They Drove Old Dick's Seed Down...🎼

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Waiting for Buck to be primaried from the right for having a Pornstar name*

*and insufficient loyalty to Glorious Bleater

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Gotta have him lean forward in the wheelchair for that

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Begun these Wingnut Wars have

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The timing of this ouster and the garbage MAGA letter from the retired military fools is notable, IMO. Cheney and her family’s connections are likely to begin acting behind the scenes against the Republican-Trump Party and they are certainly dug in with military. Now, suddenly, we have the pitiful propaganda piece, with strangely capitalized terminology ala Trump-style, written by a retired military MAGA club? Keep in mind, Liz Cheney was the one to organize the letter the retired military brass put out just before January 6th.

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Oh course dipshit Madison forgot one of the "hey"s in the song. Moron.

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So sick of this juvenile bullshit from supposed adults.

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All the Banhammerable things upon Scalise and all the other flimsy plastic gas-leaking scum bags that are the Republican leadership.

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Viva la Che!

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Anything that draws more media attention to the ongoing GQP plunge into authoritarianism can only help.

But it is a complete mystery to me why the entire press is not on this like their lives depended on it. Because their lives depend on it.

What happened to Khashoggi was not an anomaly. That is exactly what happens to journalists around the world in authoritarian states. The GOP literally helped cover up the murder of a journalist. If they get control, it will happen again. And here.

You would think that more journalists would be upset about that.

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As much "both sides" slop as I hear from so many of them, I'm really beginning to wonder how many of them actually know how to do their jobs


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Can we start calling them Confederates now?

How about now ...??


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